
DO you like french thinks?

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i'm french and i live in france and I would like to know if you like french thinks, french language, etc.....




  1. Wish the french women would shave more

  2. J'adore Francais!!! Je desire a va en France. J'adore la langue de francais.

  3. I like Cholet (j'aime la ville de Cholet).

    That's about it (c'est tout).

    Have a nice day (musée des blindes).

    Happy New Year (d'ac).

  4. i like how french language sounds

  5. I am French too! But I live in Arkansas. I am afraid I don't know a lot about true French culture although I would love to have in my life. I am to old now and know I will never get there even to visit. My heart was always with it though......My great grandmother & grandfather Ophelia & Udon Mouton came from Novi Scotia originally. I remember everything about him. He was a neat & proper little man. My grandmother carried on some of his ways but they have gotten lost. We still eat and cook a lot of French food, but my family doesn't like it so I just cook myself things sometimes.

  6. I like the Louvre

  7. hmmm the only thing french that I can think of that I like are FRENCH FRIES!  I do not like the french language

  8. Oui! I learn french at school at im rly good at it! I do spanish as well but i prefer french!

  9. You probably meant "French things" or anything French. I live in US and we do like French things...what we didn't like was your Chirac government opposing Bush for the sake of opposing Bush. French people, when given the chance, voted in the new president to work with Bush. But sadly enough...Bush is in his last year. C'est le Vie (sp).

    I believe you guys need to do a better job assimilating immigrants - ask what you can do for France and not what France can do for you. And actually tell the world what it means to be French...have a swagger in your walk.

  10. I always thought most french hated us. I personally love the french.

  11. I'm not a huge fan of the French kiss

  12. Oui et oui.  But, I don't like French spelling vs. French pronunciation.  Très difficile.

  13. I like french fries.  I like french toast.  I don't know any French people, but I think that there are good and bad, just like in every other country.

  14. Salute,

    I am Vietnamese and I've been in the US for a year and a half.

    (I take another name here, which is somewhat like French and which makes my classmates think that the Vietnamese speak French (because the French were in my country for almost a century)).

    I personally like them (though they don't like (or even hate) the US). And I appreciate what they've done for my country (not the war, for sure!).

    I'm taking French firstly because somebody said that French was TOO hard for me and secondly because I like French songs, particularly "Bonjour Vietnam" (you can find it easily on youtube). J'aime la langue. Je trouve la prononciation francais tres facile et belle.

    J'aime la cuisine francaise aussi.

    Il y a l'architecture d'exception.

    J'adore Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles de Gaulle, Voltaire, Jeanne d'Arc, Descartes...

    Je vais y aller un jour.

    Vive la France. (And please don't mind my lame French)

  15. J'aime beaucoup les choses francais.  J'aime la langue, le cuisine, l'architecture, et les gens.  J'y voudrais habiter et j'etudie francais maintenant.

  16. i like french toast...with syrup.

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