
DO you think it's a good idea to volunteer at a hospice house?

by  |  earlier

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I want to do this,but I'm afraid it will be depressing for me. THe people are dying and I don't know if I should.Thoughts?




  1. No matter what the situation is , if you are helping others, giving a part of your self to benefit others, then you are doing a wonderful thing. And you will be rewarded in the end. God bless you .

  2. You need to know yourself.   Can you be a help without being overwhelmed?  Can you be matter of fact and not fake cheerful or melodramatic?  I would suggest you arrange to visit the hospice, talk with volunteers, maybe sit in for some of the training and make a decision at that point whether this is the best way for you to help.   There may be other things you can do for the hospice besides direct patient or family contacts like going and getting supplies, raising money, running efrrands, doing office work, helping arrange foster care for a beloved pet who is being orphaned or you may find that as you are there you gain a strength and peace you did not know you had and that direct contact work is exactly what you need and want to do.   Or as you explore it you may find that you would ratehr help others in a different setting all together. I believe you have to have a sense of calling to work with hospice and that those who do will not be depressed tho they may be often saddened.

  3. yes i do.

    i know it's depressing but your doing a lot of good for people who need it and it will make you feel good inside.

    i volunteer part time at an AIDS clinic and it makes me feel like a great person, but it is so depressing to walk in there every day. but i know it's the right thing to do.

    so yes i think it's a good idea to volunteer at a hospice =)

  4. I think that giving it a try cant hurt,you will know fairly quickly if its something that you can handle and in the case of hospice i believe the rewards would be worth it.They are all about living,yes the people may be dying but who needs to make the most of thier life more than them? And i thinks its a special,very selfless gift if  a person can help make that happen

  5. Many good answers already given.  As a hospice volunteer myself, I can understand your concerns and suggest that you contact a local hospice, preferably a non-profit, and ask to talk to the volunteer coordinator.  The coordinator will give you lots of information and if like the one I volunteer for, have a seminar or Information Night,  just for people like you who may be interested in volunteering.  Should you decide to volunteer, training will be provided.


  6. There are other areas you can volunteer in if you're afraid that working in hospice will be difficult for you.  There are plenty of emotionally stable people who don't deal well being surrounded by death and dying!  I hear the same thing about working in a domestic violence shelter, which I used to do, people would ask wasn't it depressing, but it depends on how you deal with the particular issue at hand.  If you don't deal well with death, or you aren't able to empathize with what someone is going through without taking on those feelings into yourself, then, no, it's not a good idea for you.  Maybe just go to talk to their volunteer coordinator and see how you handle just being in there.  I'm pretty sure this is a regular issue for their VC, so they probably have some sort of screening process to help people when they first come in to keep from majorly traumatizing someone who just wants to be helpful to others in their time of need!

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