
DO you think my car is totalled?

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sorry to ask again im just tryng to get more opinons..

I got in a wreck and i was at fault. The kelly blue book value is $10 625. I was wondering one. if it looked totaled. and two. me being 17 how much might this raise my insurance? i got a simple ticket for following to close but the cop said that will more than likey be dropped cause it was my first ticket.




  1. Your link is broken. Also I'm 16 and I got into an accident involving less than $700 dollars and my insurance went up $30. Your insurance will most definitely go up, maybe $50 at least. Your state may also have a driving program to remove the ticket scott free.

  2. It depends on how old your car is and whether there is structural damage. Also depends on what the damage is and what type of car you have. If you have a 1988 Buick, chances are that it was totaled before the accident. If you have a new Pathfinder, it is not likely totaled given the ACV you posted.

    If you are a male, your rates will increase a lot until you are about 28. This is due more to risk factors common amongst males versus your own personal driving record. The closer you get to the common denominator, the more your rates go up. It doesn't matter how many tickets you have received, it matters how many incidents you have. All incidents are reported to a shared insurance and DMV website.  

  3. Great design, resourceful information,user-friendly layout should be a good place to answer your questions.

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