
DO you think that we are close to waking up,when we dream that we are dreaming?

by Guest55745  |  earlier

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DO you think that we are close to waking up,when we dream that we are dreaming?




  1. it is called lucid dreaming, when you realize that you are dreaming and may possibly make changes to your dream- it happens to me frequently.

  2. Dreaming that we are dreaming is a mind game.Either we wake up

    or dream.We dont wake up through dreaming.

  3. I think that is what is called the "waking dream," but either way, no matter how many times we awaken we are still inside the dream, only now we are directing, producing and acting in it. Cool.  

  4. yeah its funny and frustrating at the same time...good uck

  5. you could be having a lucid dream. i have had them every night for the past 3 years and it is awesome!

  6. As someone above said it is called Lucid dreaming.

    I've heard that if you are awaken from the dream you will remember it. That annoying alarm clock that wakes you up suddenly!! Not always a bad thing! It helps you remember dreams.

    I've been lucid dreaming for ages, even when I was younger. I have no idea WHY, but i have been. I have dreams that for example i'll just about to jump off a cliff, but i'll be too scared to die...but then i think "i'm dreaming don't be scared" and will just jump and do a lot of scary things.

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