
DOES ANY1 know WHAT SORT OF Qestions Came up on OCR maths sectiona A graduated asesment c On 2nd june 2008?

by  |  earlier

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TELL ME WHAT TYPE OF QUESTIONS CAME UP FOR SECTION A in the maths OCR graduated aseesment C,,,, i found it a bit harder than the pastpapers that have been done,,, but overall exam was ok,,,, Wat do u think guys,, and any1 know the percentage required for a grade B on TERMINAL PAPER OF MATHS




  1. If you did the paper, as you suggest you have done, then you would know what questions came up.

    If you haven't done it yet, for whatever reason, then you would be cheating to try to find out what you will be expected to know.

  2. I took it a few days ago.

    .....but that would be cheating

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