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nothing will change.........




  1. h**l yes! thanks for asking!

  2. It's getting there quickly. Although, I would not say everyone is fascinated with the two.  Maybe that it?

  3. I think all elections within the past 100 years have been a joke.   They have been set up that way.  You are given the illusion you have a have none.    You can vote for rich man party A, or you can vote for Rich man from Party A's  cousin in Rich man Party B.   The game goes on and on.   We have and had much better choices for candidates during the primaries.   We allowed the media to dictate to us whom we should choose with bogus polls and sound bites etc.   The republicans had a candidate who actually supported the Constitution, our most sacred document.   The dems had one who was close in values but still a bit more socialist for my liking.   Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich.    Well, the media shut them out entirely and no one was allowed to form their own opinion.  Even the others who were not in bed with big business were better.    

    I abstain from voting because I am of the belief that if voting did anything it would be made illegal.   The argument that if you do not vote you cannot say anything is also absurd.   I can complain about the fact that YOU voted for some jackass who was just as much a s***w up as any of the other career politicians.  And that is what is inherently wrong with our government today.   Too many career politicians.   When the founders were in office, many of them only convened a few times a year.  Mostly during the slow season after the harvests.  They did their business in office and went back home.   Now, you have ambitious power hungry politicos who are enthralled with the idea of perks, kickbacks and special interest money.   Not one of them has your interest at heart.   Sure, they say they do and some may have a few of them in mind but most if not the vast majority could not care less.   We dont care so why should they?    We as a people divested ourselves from the workings of government long ago and have allowed these people to legislate from closed door sessions and secret ballots with the occasional C-Span session to give the impression of open government.    Our freedoms are going down the tube.   Our officials pander to the minority who want their cause to be the forefront of any government action and the majority are stuck with it.   The easily offended want to get rid of freedom of speech.   The nanny statists want the 2nd amendment thrown out to make everyone safe, which it won't.  

    Both parties want your hard earned money to pay off the debt in interest owed to the Federal Reserve, a highly unconstitutional group of private bankers who lend our government money and expect WE THE PEOPLE to pay it back.... 10% on every dollar.   Both parties would gladly sell out or sovereignty to the UN and NATO.  You would be subject to the laws of foreign entities under the guise of safety yet you would be easily thrown in jail for a minor offense as questioning the holocaust.   Regardless of your opinion on the matter, jailing someone for having an opinion is a frightening thought to me and others I hope.    So continue to vote for the same people, the same parties and the same policies.   Our forefathers are not just turning in their graves, they are bartering with h**l for a special place for us.    

  4. NoBody thinks its a joke. This election is a serious matter that involves the well being of every american, including you, i doubt it that you're voting, so you'll have no say-so

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