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  1. Are you saying that Sarah Palin is that cold-hearted that she would use her 17 year old daughter to be so thoroughly criticized and humiliated just so she and McCain can distract Americans from the real issues?

    I think not.


  2. you mean the real issues of Obama havign 143 days of experience in national politics, close ties to an admitted terrorist, close ties to a known felon who is indicted on several other charges, who follows the leadership of a preacher who hates white people and America, and who accuses his grandmother of being "a typical white person", the same grandmother who took care of him most of his life and sent him to private schools?  

    Dont worry, I will not be fooled.  Thank you for helping me pay attention to what matters.  You are a good, honest person.

    "Who is Sarah Palin Again?" - Obama does not talk about real issues because he hasnt seen the latest polls to know where he stands on them yet.  And at least McCain/Palin arent using their children for political gain like the well-tried Obama

  3. D.C. insiders are saying that McCain wanted Lieberman but the right wing threatened revolt because they see him as too liberal so McCain picked Palin as a knee jerk reaction.

    I suppose it's possible that she was picked as a distraction, but with all the dirt that comes with her, I don't see it.

    Check this out:

    "Sarah Palin Linked To Sen. Stevens 527

    Meanwhile a series of new revelations about McCain’s running mate Sarah Palin has raised questions about how well the McCain campaign vetted the Alaskan governor. The Washington Post revealed that Palin once ran a 527 group for Republican Senator Ted Stevens designed to raise unlimited funds from corporate donors. Stevens was recently indicted on corruption charges. Palin served as a director of Stevens" 527 from 2003 and 2005. It was also announced that a private lawyer had recently been hired to represent Palin in a state investigation into her firing of the state’s public safety commissioner. And Palin disclosed on Monday that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter was five months pregnant. McCain aides said the announcement about the pregnancy of Palin’s daughter, Bristol, was aimed at rebutting Internet rumors that Palin’s own youngest son, born in April, was actually the daughter’s. Both McCain and Palin have opposed funding sexual education programs in schools. In 2006 McCain voted against a Senate Democratic proposal to send $100 million to communities for teen-pregnancy prevention programs that would have included s*x education about contraceptives."

  4. I can't stand Mccain

  5. Oh really?  The religious right wingers were given the choice to pick his VP and chose Palin. Just think of how much they'll love McCain when he drops her from the ticket.  

  6. Its obviously a blatant attempt by McCain to steal some of Obama's "fresh new thing" by adding a woman to his ticket, rather than yet another older white-haired caucasian man.

    Are we so dumb that we can't see what he's doing?  

  7. Oh, they are fooled. It is working like a charm.

  8. Yes, and have you realized that Obama thinks if he says the word change a million times and gives no concrete ideas, his ideas can't be criticized as they don't even exist?? All to distract us from the real issues.

  9. YES... back to the REAL issues.....

    Obama has NO experience

    Obama is FRIENDS with a domestic TERRORIST

    Obama is CLOSE with Rev Wright who was once Muslim himself and gave a lifetime achievement award to Farrakhan.

    Obama supports infanticide (twice).

    Obama came onto the world stage wrapped in a BLANKET of LIES about his father and his "life story"

    Obama TAUGHT Marxist ideology and CONTINUES to promote it today


  10. It was a very cynical choice. There are many well qualified Repub women in the House or Senate who would have been good choices. Instead of showing good judgment he picks someone wth all kinds of skeletons in her closet.  

  11. So what are your real issues?  

    Ha, Everything in a presidential race is planned.  It would be a poorly run campaign if it wasn't.

  12. I seriously doubt it. Because Obama is going to talk about the issues. You can't dodge issues in a debate.

  13. Only people trying to distract anyone are the libs who can't seem to stop lusting over Palin's daughter.

  14. Palin and McCain WAS planned...

    BY GOD!

    He knew and still knows what our country needs.

    The real issues are abortion, homosexuality, child abuse, rape, murder, suicide...etc. And those are the issues that God will resolve (through Palin and McCain). Maybe not as soon as everyone wants, or even in the ways that we want, but His just WILL prevail.

    And there is nothing that any man can do to stop that.

    Thank you.

  15. Palin was meant to shake things up and get excitement...not implode the Party.  This experiment backfired.

  16. This sounds like a very logical statement.

  17. I do, I don't want another Bush in.

  18. It would not surprise me in the least.

    Still, that poor little girl!

  19. I think McCain was doing fine playing small ball and staying away from the real issues without Palin.  

  20. Apparently it's the ONLY issue for the crazed liberals and liberal media.

  21. Dean,

    Yes, we understand it was planned. What about politics has changed in your mind?

    Sarah Palin is cute and that's all I care about.

  22. Well it does make sense because McCain has been consistent with avoiding the issues.  He is trying to win this election by not presenting his point of view on how he plans to "reform" or "change" Washington.  Instead, everyone is talking about everything other than the issues at hand.  His idea is working, but it will cost him in the end because he may be trying to fool us, however, we are not stupid.  So, yes you are right, and I am not fooled by McCain.

  23. McCain picked a running mate of verifiable substance in my opinion. Something which I cannot say about Obama who chose a stalwart of old guard establishment while waxing poetic about change. I am not distracted from any real issues and while I am not voting for McCain, I would consider voting for Palin if she were running for President.  

  24. Your question makes no sense. Obama has hogged the lime light much more frequently you moron. Go to bed.

  25. The sure sign of a conspiracy theorist is use of ALL CAPS.

  26. I don't think it was planned, but then again i don't care because i'm not voting for them,,

  27. Nah not a distractiong but it has become just that.......McSame miscalculated just like George Bush w/ New Orleans

  28. yes the ones with brains do!

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