
DOES HE LIKE ME?? No answers last time!?

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I've known him since kindergarten. He's cute and funny, but also has a serious side to him. Everyone thinks we like each other, and there right. I've actually heard him say he likes me, when I was sitting right beside him. And one of our other friends told me that he said he likes me. Everyone thinks we should go out. We only have like 3 classes together this year. Everyone is like " Kylie , your going to ask him out next year arent you?" And I always say "no" because I am way to shy to ask anyone that. I know he problably will ask me out next year if we have the same relationship we do know. He's done some pretty wierd stuff around me that I don't want to mention on here. We are only 13 years old. And i dont want anyone to say, "Oh your to young" or anything like that. I think I my locker is by his or super close this year. So what do you think? THANKS!




  1. yah he likes you, go for it. Hang out with him enough and he will eventualy find the curage to ask you out. as far as doing "other things" wait at least untill high school then people sort of know what their doing

  2. um....he said he liked you.....of course he does! You should tell him how you feel, but it's clear you don't want to be in a relationship at your age. Remember that what I'm suggesting is a confession, not a commitment. He doesn't have to be your boyfriend and you two don't have to go out. Think of it as planning. Tell him if he wants to go out with you, then he'll have to wait a couple of years. You don't have to tell him "we're too young" or anything. Just say, "I'm not ready for that kind of stuff yet." Just make it clear that you do like him and that you might want to go out with him LATER ON. You're much too young to be fretting about these things. Be patient. Never rush things. And if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. It's destiny. :3

  3. ok so you just said he likes you so I guess ya he probably does like you. so sorry i dont really get your question.

    and about being to young I dont think you are  

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