
DOES the PH of BOTTLED WATER effect its nourishment?

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bottled water all have a PH OF 7,

but what if its 7.2 or 7.8 ,

is it better to be slightly more acidic,

what is it doing to you health?

does it have an affect if i always drink FIJI WATER whixh has a PH of 7.5




  1. As far as I know, water was supposed to have a pH of 7. A little more than 7 actually means that it is more basic, not acidic. However, soap is basic and no one ever died from having their mouths washed out with it, so it shouldn't be to bad. Besides, I'm sure it had to get by the FDA.

  2. why don't you just drink tap water. it is tested and held to a much higher standard than bottled water. besides you are not adding to oil demand to make the plastic bottles, and you are not adding MORE plastic to the landfills.

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