
DOG has getting a dog made an impact on your life?

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DOG has getting a dog made an impact on your life?




  1. as a kid i always told my mom i wanted a puppy and she told me to wait. i waited it and when i was 15 i got him. he was a load of work but i fell in love with him so hard. my dog is my baby i dont spoil but i let him no how much i love him every morning i wake up. gosh i might cry i really love him. good question. how bout you?

  2. Yes, if only I can thank them for giving me the best day of my life

  3. A good impact

    Knowing that you never go home to an empty house

    Companionship especially for my son

    Gets you out walking and people are more friendly to you when you have a dog, everyone I know in the village has dogs.

    Ours even comes on holiday with us as she is part of the family.

  4. I've had my dog for nine years so I can't really remember. He's really lazy and sleeps most of the day so it's pretty much the same as any other pet lol!

    I want to get a puppy though so that would be interesting and a big challenge!


  5. From the day I got my first dog (my best friend) my life just started taking a new direction with his obedience training first.

    He was my fishing buddy, everywhere I went so did he.

    Then i decided to look at the different breeds and just knew that my life was going to take a whole new direction when i got my first Flat Coated Retriever.

    I just couldn`t stop, their were dog shows to do, performance venues like hunt, agility, tracking, and of course Obedience which today i teach to my own and other folks to teach their dogs, both regular and performance.

    Since starting I now am a breeder of FCR`s and now have Australian Shepard's as well.

    They fill my life with knowledge, love, laughter, and sadness when they pass over.

    My dogs are my life and joy and for everything I have gone through and learned, I wouldn't have it any other way.

    Good luck and God bless

  6. Can't remember not having a dog. They give you unconditional love. My day is complete when I return home and he is there to greet me. Even if I'm in a bad mood he loves me and brings my spirits up.  

  7. my dog is such a wonderful gift to me... she made my life enjoyable especially when we bond...

    when i first brought my dog home i got this site which gave me info, that made my doggie relationship easy and happy...

  8. Made it easier i get to do more things like go out to the beach and all stuff like that.I'm busy all the time playing with them there allways so good.I love them all.

  9. Where do I start with my girls???

    Our toy poodle was a gift from my Husband when we moved in together 9 months into our relationship. He took me to Washington away from my family, and we bought our poddle from the ASPCA when they busted a puppy store for running a puppy mill.

    Bella has been with me every day, ever since. She went to work with me, sits in my lap when we drive, fits in the purse. The whole bit. We take walks around our apartment complex, and play in the park for at least 30 minutes a day. We also have a Maltese that I bought for my husband for his 29th birthday. Abby is a total daddy's girl!!

    When we moved to Southern California recently, I got very sick from the change in the air, and Bella and Abby were with me day and night, right by my side.

    It's a little frustrating sometimes when we want to go somewhere (For our wedding, we put them in a doggy day care center, boarded them over night and they played all day) we either take them with us, or we have my mother, or a pet nanny come and stay with them. Nanny is always a last option, we will do what we have to in order to have someone the girls know come stay with them, and at their own home so they are not disrupted too much. But we don't have kids, and so far have been unlucky in trying, so we have our four legged daughters instead.

    Laying on the couch watching tv, with a fur baby in your lap is the best medicine ever!!

  10. I was raised around dogs from a baby so I wouldn't know what life is like without a dog - my family has always been dog crazy. As if owning dogs weren't enough - we go to dog shows to see more dogs. I think that being a dog person has made me a better person and most dogs seem to gravitate toward me (like they know I'm a dog person - well, that and I'm sure they know I have dogs because they are probably able to smell mine on me) - and as a result I think that is why I have never been bitten, save for a nip or play bite by a younger dog /puppy that didn't know any better. I get approached by dogs at the dog shows.  One time I went to a dog show and this little Italian Greyhound jumped up on my legs wanting attention - her owner said that she must have known me in a past life because she normally didn't go up to strangers like she did me.

    Anyway - I think I am a better person for having dogs.  

  11. I've had dogs before but it was a while between my last dog and this one because I was waiting for my house to be built and other family problems but I've had him 10 months now and it's been great. He calms me and makes me laugh.  We walk and socialize with people and other dogs.  I've lost weight and my blood work is so much better that my doctor is starting to recommend getting a dog to people with high cholesterol.   I've made many new friends and I'm on here because of him and he's made a big impact on my and my husband's life.  I've even decided to go back to college through online so that I can stay home with him.  I never would have thought to do that before.  He energizes me and makes me think ahead.

  12. Can't travel as much as I used to. Can't sleep late (dogs need to go out and eat in the am). Can't go out for a long time without having to figure out when I need to be home to care for the dogs. Although we take our dogs to as many places as we can, I've grown to realize that there are many dog-unfriendly places, and that there are few places that I can go with all four of my dogs.

    Not complaining though ...

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