
DOG owners how clever is your dog??

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hehe are dogs in Vancouver that smart




  1. I think my dog has a high doggy IQ as she can be really, really smart sometimes, yet she lacks common sense. She can open the sitting room door, the door between the kitchen and the conservatory, most of the doors upstairs and the front porch. Oh, and she can open our compost bin. Which now has two Argos catalogues resting on top of it.

    I don't think she'd appreciate the sign though!

  2. He's a little too smart.  He's a total con artist.

  3. Yes, dogs are really smart.  

  4. Ermm my puppy is not the brightest...

  5. She's smart but she is illiterate...

  6. I think mine is too clever for her own good sometimes!

    I don't think she can read but she can def tell the time.

  7. My dog a 2 year old cocker spaniel puppy is pretty smart. When hes scared to go up the stairs i bring a treat and tell him if i give it to him he needs to come up, once i give to him he grabs and runs away. Almost like he understands.

    Also when i took him for a walk yesterday, he diddnt want to keep walking so he just stopped in the middle of the street, and refused to keep going until he heard me said come on boy lets just go home. Like he understood he got up and sprinted to our house.

  8. Many years ago my dogs learnt how to get into the freezer open the drawers & have a feast.

    So we swapped the door to open the opposite way.

    2 days later came home to find freezer door & drawers open.

    Had to put a 14lb weight in front of it to keep them out.

    The list of other things goes on & on.

    Dogs are clever.

  9. She's very intelligent.

  10. Well, my dogs a plumber.

  11. <~ Tori can open any door in the house apart from the bathroom door!

    She can ready body language but not words.

  12. My dog Chihuahua Mix(3 years)

    he bites if he doesn't know you

    he pees in house

    hes very smart depending if my dads here

    he loves to run

    his name is max hes a daddy

    hes not spayed my mom wont spay she thinks its hurtful to the dog

    my dog has had 1 flea time

    thats when he was a baby

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