
DOGS in the Bible, MEN deciding to prefer the stink of filth than to Walk as HUMANS. ?

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Dogs are mentioned in Isaiah in Phillipians and in Hebrews from what i have seen. WOW, all my youth i had no idea the bible had it all written down. The answers on paper to protect us from DEVIANT BACKWARD VILE & WRETCHED FOOLISHNESS and EVIL.

It's such a modern Book.

Some versions of the bible have hide this truth. Like in phillipians some versions erase the teachings gaurding against such base creatures and behaviour.... is it just base, one key characterisitc is complete selfishness, single-minded care for ones on preservation, as if everyone else is just bait, or a vessel treting people as objects not as HUMAN BEINGS. (christians please,do you see...)




  1. Time for your meds.

  2. chill winston if religions a joke were up in smoke and there isn't a thing we can do about it.

  3. Ok, that just weirded me out. Have a cup of tea and relax or something.  

  4. That was about as clear as mud.

    Do you actually want an answer to this confusing non-question?

  5. ...I agree.


  6. Are you planning to come forward with a point in the near future, or are you content with ravings and ramblings that make little to no sense?

  7. Go to bed and sleep it off, okay?

  8. You shouldn't lie about having a question, it's a violation of the terms of service.

  9. I must be missing something...what is your question? Do you know? You talk a lot but say nothing.

  10. Hmmm interesting theories... we're dogs... filthy evil and stinking... and made in the image of God... sad day for Christianity huh?  

  11. You see the green stuff in the brown bottle next to your bed?  Pour out a measure and swallow it.  I know it tastes minging, but it makes other people less likely to want to beat you senseless.

  12. Your eloquence is , um...without Parallel, I've never seen this point put forward in quite this way, or in fact, any other way.

    Your Question is, even now, challenging people all over the World's notions of what a question actually is,and how to actually answer your point. I must admit, I am totally baffled as to what your point actually is, but I willingly concede that I'm not exactly the sharpest spanner in the box.I expect there are some really clever people out there, who can actually "get" your meaning, I'm just sorry I'm not one of them.

    (Did you take your four o'clock pill early?)  

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