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It really bothers me that when a human kills or hurts a human they sometimes never see day light again but if a human hurts a poor helpless animal for no reason the charges are so very light. Shouldn't they be stronger so that some people would actually be scared of doing it being of the punishments!? I dont think that the animals should have to be hurt like this because it can be stopped right?! Tell me what you really think!




  1. They can study on monkeys all they want, I hate those things, there ugly and smell and remind me of.. yeah I'm not going to say but they are just annoying and gross looking, but for the cats and other animals they should stop testing on them because they are cute and worth having on this planet instead of monkeys

  2. i totally agree with you. i think the animal rights should be the exact same as human rights!

  3. i totally agree,animals should have the same rights as humans

  4. I agree

    not only because i think it's wrong to hurt any living creatures

    but also because animal cruelty is a very anti-social behaviour - it is the first calling card that a person is dangerous/disturbed and should not be free in the community

    It is extremely likely that someone who is cruel to animals will also be cruel to people:

    - the majority of violent criminals in jail admit to being cruel to animals when they were younger

    - in many homes where there is animal abuse, there is also child abuse and domestic violence - it is very common for pets to be used as a sick bargaining tool in order to keep children from speaking up about their abuse and to keep wives from leaving

    - many women stay in abusive relationships because they are scared that if they leave, their partner will hurt their pet - this is so common that RSPCA has now set up a special boarding facility where women can leave their dogs while they get away from their abusive partner

    People who are cruel to animals are cruel to people.

    They need to be seriously punished or they will be able to continue to hurt animals and people alike.

  5. Yes, I agree that they are way too lenient, but when you consider how there are many states that have even MORE lenient laws regarding s*x Offenders (mainly with young children -- it is absurd,

    Not only should your "average Joe " for obvious reasons indeed be sentenced to more appropriate, harsher punishment  ~ but ~ Do people know that often serial killers and other psychotics begin their evil acts by torturing and iling thse poor defenseless animals BEFORE they move on to human beings. was greater we may have caught (we'll never knowiiiiiiiii

  6. yes

  7. i think the punishment to animal cruelty should be as equal as a human killing another human or hitting another human animals are just as good as humans and someone should do somthing about it

  8. yes, i think that if:

    someone beats a dog with a bat, then someone should beat the culprit with a bat.

    If someone deprives a dog of exercise and playing, then the culprit should be locked in a room with no exercise and playing....and no food

    I think that pitbulls should NOT be banned. They only kill 100  people in the WORLD in like 2 years, cars kill 300,000

    people a WEEK and we arent banning cars.

    Its so stupid

  9. Absolutely but believe me there is a much harsher punishment awaiting them than we can give out!! Anyone can be a cruel bully but it takes somebody tough to be gentle and kind,shame more people don't have that quality.

  10. all the way!I think punishment for animal abusers should be the same as abusing a person!

  11. Animal cruelty charges are so light, it saddens me.

    To abuse  an animal is only a misdeamenor. But to abuse a DEAD human corpse, it's a felony.

    So if I beat my dog with a stick, I would probably just get a light fine, and they would take my dog away. Who cares, I obviously didn't like him much anyways.

    But If I were to go to a funeral and beat the dead body with a stick, that would be a felony, and I could be looking at some serious jail time.

    ....Now, does anyone else find something TERRIBLY wrong with that? A DEAD body is worth more then an animals life?...

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