
DOOMSDAY 2012? care to speak on it?

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  1. LOL  This is funny.  It's all over the news now as the date gets closer.  My best friend and I have been putting that date down for 25 years now for a party.  It's just now that it doesn't look ridiculous in the date book.

    We are having a party.  If the world ends, we will be with the people we love best and go out in style.  If it doesn't, we will still have a great time.  

  2. I guess I am gonna have to hurry up and get my MBA. I have always been waiting to have one in case if they're hiring in heaven :P

  3. nothing to speak on

    (but there will be a big party in Arizona that year)

  4. I don't know why people continue to refer to 2012 as Doomsday.. It is the end of the Mayan Long Count Calender, the beginning of a new era, not the end of the world..

    All the disasters which are happening throughout the world right now have been foretold, even in the Bible..

    Crop-circles are a direct communication from the Light Beings, Interdimensional travellers who are here to help with our Ascension into the 5th dimension..They are not man-made as the government and the government run puppet media would have you believe..They are also mentioned in the Bible, Acts 2:19..

    There is a new frequency being received right now by the earth and we are all being affected by it, many of us have a job to do and we are becoming aware of just who we really are..Many of us are Light Workers and we will have task of helping others understand what is happening...

    The Church knows this is happening and they are calling it the 2nd coming among other things, just another con really, they know their time is up...

    I will post a couple of sites for you, but I am more of a book man personally, and if you go to and punch in 2012 there are plenty of books there...Also punch in Mayan prophesies, and you will be amazed as to how many people have written books on the subject...

    There should be enough diverse information in just these two web-sites to get your mind thinking in overdrive... If you want to know about some book titles, feel free to e-mail me..

    In Light... )O(

  5. No i dont care to speak on it. I don't even know why I'm answering. Probably to yell at you because this question has been asked thousands of times. Yup, that's the reason.

  6. Mayans predicted that 12/21/2012 would be the beginning of a new age, not the end of the world. Why do people keep asking this?? I guess there must be something out there skewing the facts.

  7. no possible, no evidence to prove it.

  8. it is just the great flood because of the dwarf star thats all we shouldn't be effect by it at all and once it passes the planet cools down yay.

  9. I personally think that the calendar ends in 2012 because the cycle repeats. Why bother continuing the calendar if you can cut and past the cycle again?

  10. ya its called bull sht

  11. Hopefully ill get to be the cause of it

  12. Oh you mean the world hasn't already been damned?

  13. Every thing must end some time

  14. I think that in 2012 the magnetic poles are going to switch. They are do to switch any time now, but the dates between poles switching varies. Basically our magnetic field will reverse, but in the process there may be a moment or an undetermined amount of time with no protection from the radiation of the universe, mainly the sun. I think that in those moments the exposed half of the earth will be FRIED,or flooded with the entire radiation spectrum. Afterwards, assuming anyone is alive to care the magnetic feild will be much stronger and may completely solve the global warming problem.

  15. never know

  16. yep, that's the 198th doomsday predicted since records began in 1857

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