
DOOMSDAY 21st of December 2012?

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IF YOU BELIEVE THE WORLD WILL END IN 4 and a 1/2 years from now tell me how u think it will end




  1. I just want a list of where I can pick up everyone's stuff. They won't be needing it anyway. I'll come around the week before to get it all.

  2. It's just a load of bull.  God decides when the world will end. Heck, it could be tomorrow!  Or it might be another century from now.... no one knows for sure.

  3. Well a logical guess would be global warming like natural disasters or something like I am legend. Without all the zombies lol.  

  4. i'll tell you on the 22nd of dec 2012

  5. Actually, I keep asking people the same thing. I also worry about things like that happening, but people always tell me the same thing: Don't worry about it. And I think they're right. Also, NASA's website says that they do not expect any big changes. The only thing I've heard is that there's some kind of alignment between the planets taking place that only takes place in so many thousands of years, but this is what NASA says is no big deal! But if you believe something will happen, all I can say is just to live life like you want and do good. If the civilization gets wiped it, it could also be from global warming. So be sure to recycle as well.

  6. I don't believe anything will end life on this planet in 2012 besides a undetected asteroid or comet which could happen any day. The only thing happening on 12/21/12 is the winter solstice which happens every year. Special planet alignment nope the planets are more aligned now then they will be in 2012 they could never be in perfect alignment at least always 5 degrees off.

    The suns poles switch every 11 years and yes solar max will peak in 2011 or 2012 but any one who is 11 has already lived through it.

    The mayans did not predict the end of the world it is the end of a cycle it was a time of great celebration for them. We leave the age of pisces and enter the age of aquarius.

    Pole shift takes thousands of years to complete and scientists aren't even sure if it has started yet and they don't even know what effects on the human race it will present no way it is going to cause doomsday in 2012.

    Do you honestly think nasa would of been concerned about asteroid apophis making impact with earth in 2029 and 2036 if everyone was going to die in2012?I really doubt it.

    Planet nibiru does not exist there is no rogue planet on a 3600 year orbit waiting to cause mass destruction to earth if it was due in 4 short years it would be visible to amateur astronomers such as myself through a crappy telescope and possibly by the naked eye.

    I think I have covered most of the popular misconceptions out there on this subject.There is too many new agers out there spewing this garbage and making alot of money out of scaring people and it makes me sick how many people fall for this c**p.

  7. life on earth will continue

  8. Its not going to end.  It's gonna shrug and some people will die and others will live to continue.

  9. maybe not END

    but certainly time for some HEAVY CHANGES!

    We already have all sorts of signs, the extinction of species, the pollution of this planet.  (etc.... ) ad nausum.

  10. I don't believe this rumor, but I'm imagining it'll be like something out of The Day After Tomorrow

    Yknow, tidal waves, typhoons.....that sort of thing : /

  11. Read about the solar activities that NASA has posted, they are expecting one of the worst solar storms at the end of 2012, during the solar maximus, it also so happens that the planet at that time will also be closest to the sun,,,,,  Just a thought,,,,,,

    PS,  Many people believe that the saying (what has given us life and light will take it away) in the bible is talking about God and the rapture,,, maybe its literal.

  12. Obama. Hes the anti-christ. people worship him, and louis farakahn called him the messiah. the muslim jesus. War Famine disease. the anti-christ. well. Maybe an asteroid hits us. wormwood. while we are in the middle of a major war. Christians are persecuted. The axis of the earth tilts. The Bible and nostradamus and even the koran fit together. The muslims believe in a messiah that sounds like the antichrist. which in turn sounds like obama. the bible code says nuclear holocaust. and end times and.... BARRACK>> look on you tube. Plus the weather Im saved so BRING IT ON!!

  13. You shouldn't worry about that,really maybe it might really be at the end of the world but I can tell how it might end. It all starts by a comet. (Do u remember the comet that crashed the dinosaurs???)

    That is the same comet but a different type,and that comet will crash down to the Earth creating a massive lava wave spreading around the Earth. Just imagine a big large tsunami spreading around the world in just 1 massive wave. But in any case my parents would always say "if you are about to die,always pray that you can accept Jesus Christ as your Savior" but yet again that's how a lot of people think the world can end. (Im just 12 years old alright so im not a scientist i just read and watch the history channel)  

  14. First that day is going to be the most insane, anxious filled day. I'm a straighedge guy but I will be tripping on acid all day. Whatever goes on will only be better when you have no idea whats going on.

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