

by Guest62316  |  earlier

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i dont really sleep much anymore and i heard that

it makes you louse weight but i was always told it makes you gain weight wich is the corect answer ?




  1. it depends on the person. some people lose. some people gain.

  2. Well I'm not sure that you gain weight if you don't sleep.. I mean I don't seem to have that problem.. good luck just the same

  3. i makes u gain weight since when u don't sleep u tend to get more hungry and get calories so u gain weight

    get 8 hours sleep atleast

  4. stress-full situations can cause a shift in the way your body absorbs vitamins and minerals but the loss or gain depends on you try meditation in the morning and exercise before bed

  5. It makes you gain weight. Average person should get at least 8 hours of sleep to let their body make the essential nutrients and vitamins that your body consumed during the day. I guess if you're stressed and you can't sleep that would make you lose weight. The stress alone.


  6. You will gain wieght, but I think the reason is you become less active during the day as a result.

  7. I'm not sure of the correct answer, but I will certainly give you my opinion.

    I don't sleep much either.  It hasn't made me gain or lose any weight and I've talked to a few people about the gain/lose weight question.

    A few people have told me that the reason most people gain weight when they don't sleep as much is because usually when somebody is awake, they are either drinking or eating something most of the time.

    Fluids are heavy when added up, so that can cause weight gain or make it look like you're gaining weight, whether you really are or not.

    Also, if you're snacking when you are supposed to be sleeping, that will probably have some effect on the weight-gain situation too.

    As I previously said, I haven't gained or lost weight in the last 3-4 years and I haven't slept regularly or nearly as much as a I should, but I also don't normally snack while I'm awake and I normally drink water, so it may be different if you eat/drink differently.

    For all I know, my response may be completely incorrect, but this is simply my opinion based off what other people have given me input on.

    I hope it helped a little bit.

    By the way, I'm 17 and I've been sleeping very irregularly since I was 13 or 14, so if you're anywhere in that age range, you're not alone.

    Good luck finding a solution that works for you!

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