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i have avitiligo i have about 8 dime size ones on my face and 1 on the back of my neck and lots of small ones every where eles never getting bigger than a quarter ( none on my hands or feet/legs) my mom has them and they cover her whole body its bad.. i wan tto know if vitiligo ever stops like has there ever been a case where it has just stoped growing? also some white spots have hair on them but out of 10 only 2 have white hairs to go with it others still have black hairs im 16 and havent seen new white spots in a year also one last question if i get therapy for them and some go away wont vitligo just come back over them after a period of time?




  1. I've had it my whole life and constantly find new patches. NO it doesn't stop.

  2. There is really no treatment other than camouflaging with dyes or sometimes PUVA treatment with ultraviolet A light is effective, but it takes a long time and must be treated indefinitely.

  3. Different people use the term Cure in different context, as regards Cure in vitiligo. Some use this term only for re-pigmentation of the existing spots, while others are concerned with complete eradication of illness from the body.

    If you mean second i.e. complete annihilation of the vitiligo from your system, that is a tricky matter.

    Vitiligo results from a derangement of your normal defense mechanisms against infection. The body starts producing antibodies against pigment producing cells of its own skin. No exact causes and remedies are known. This is a generalized abnormality of your immune system, and currently there are no acceptable permanent ways to overcome this process.

    The damage to pigment producing cells manifests as patches of skin, which have reduced, or no pigment. This is what bothers you, us and every one else.

    One cannot cure vitiligo or halt it, but you can manage the local manifestations (white patches) using oral or topical treatments.

    If you disease is limited and not widespread, you can go for a topical treatment.

  4. vitiigo does not stop however you can slow the progression by using a topical steroid called Cutivate. I personally have vitiligo and it is contained to my hands and feet.

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