
DOn't the British save for a rainy day? How can this be true?

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Could it be that the old saying "Come aday go day - God bless pay day !" Is really true ?




  1. ..don't listen to those people they chat p**p...


  2. I take it you don't live in Britain Molly. The average person would find it extremely difficult to make ends meet to cover living costs never mind saving. Saving is something one can do when one has money left after paying for necessities.

  3. Ahhh...Molly Cool, you don't live here do you!  The problem with the government we have is that it is raining every day because of their sodden policies, so many of us have used up our once bountiful savings on just trying to pay our council tax is now over £1800 a year and expected to rise...with less services from the council as well...and that's before we pay for food and heating and clothing etc etc etc....I could go on but I would just feel like vomiting at the thought of it all.

    So walk a mile in our shoes before you start criticizing us for not saving

  4. Saving has now become a luxury of the upper middle classes. Everyone else spends their wage and more just on feeding thier kids and heating their houses.

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