your a proffesional and before i go to the doctors again i want an answer. About 2months ago i went to the doctors thinking i was pregnant, although i did use protection which didnt split. The test was negative and the doctor put me on the pill to start when my next period came, my next period came a week later, it was normal and heavy. I had my withdrawal bleed at the end of the first pack of pills, it was the same as my normal period, heavy. I know that if your pregnant when on the pill you wont get a bleed as the hormones released by pregnancy override the loss of hormones from the pill. But im just wondering even though the test was negative is there any chance that maybe when i began the pill i was already pregnant and the only reason i got the bleed was because i was adding more hormones to my system and it bled because even though there was the pregnancy hormones it had become used to both amounts being in my body. Its eight weeks later and until i started the second pack i hadnt felt anymore side effects but know ive started the second pack ive got lower back pain, stomach cramps and my belly looks a little bloated. My b***s dont hurt. Just wondering if this may mean im pregnant or is it common for side-effects of the pill to come on during the second pack? Do you think im pregnant, i cant afford to buy a test atm. but im going to book myself in at the doctors tomorrow, and get one there and see what she thinks please help x x x x x