
DRAMA CLASS?!!??! Help, too shy for this class!!

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i'm really shy and don't talk to people outide of my friends. and i just got my class schedule, and i'm in drama! i didn't even sign up for it!! i signed up for sports medicene, or german 3... not drama! any advice? my mom won't let me change my classes!!




  1. You can gain confidence and be less shy from doing drama! It's good skill, not just for acting, but for life. Helps with public speaking, improvising, and the confidence to meet new people!

    Good Luck

  2. you'll never truly know if you hate it unless you try it. who knows, it might become your faveorite class.  

  3. Just go for it!

    Who knows, what if your a professional at acting and really have what it takes?

    I can tell you one thing: It's really fun. And your not really yourself in drama class. Your the character, and alot of shy people take drama class and you'll meet lots of new friends.

    Good luck and most importantly HAVE FUN!

  4. Try it because you might really enjoy it! I am an actress and I love drama and I think it is really fun but everyone is different. You should go and see how it is and if it starts to interest you. If it really bores you and you don't enjoy it, talk to your mom again or talk to a teacher, either your principal or drama teacher. Try to be very sociable and state your opinions, then you won't be as shy.

  5. Trust me, please!  This is exactly what you need!  Not that it'll totally eliminate your shyness, but a theatre course will allow you to explore many different ways of expressing yourself in a fairly safe and secure atmosphere.  It's actually one of the most recommended therapies for people who are debilitated by severe shyness.

    Good luck and try to have fun!

  6. The coolest thing about acting is that it's not you up there, it's the person you're playing, so you get to do all kinds of stuff you wouldn't do in your own life, and just because you're shy doesn't mean the character you're being is shy!

    So enjoy doing all the stuff you'd never do in real life!

  7. Your mom won't let you change it? She's not in control of that. Call the school yourself and get it changed.

    I had a friend that took drama, and he was pretty shy. He ended up loving it because he met new friends and built character.  

  8. Break out of your shell. Learn to love it. But there are other things to do but acting. You can be a stagehand or design the costumes (But not make them!) Just do your best.

  9. try it out! I was in drama too, and I loved it! It's a good way to come out of your shell. Just give it a shot!

  10. Take a deep breath and go for it.  It could be the making of you.

    Good luck  

  11. I had a similar situation, I did sign up for it but I had no idea what I was getting into.  I was also very shy but it ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me, I'm now majoring in theatre.

  12. totally sign up for can be shy and still be in drama...thats the cool part because you can work on the scenery or help out with the makeup or odd jobs that doesn't require you to perform or interact...but i promise you will make some really good friends inthat class so give it a try the semester doesn't last long.

  13. Go ahead and try it, it will improve your confidence and you might even enjoy it, i'm doing drama after school holidays and i'm quite a shy person.

    good luck

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