
DRC bot butchers my gerbers?

by  |  earlier

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I'm using TinyCAD - FreePCB to layout my board and generate the gerber files.

I've opened my gerber files in Viewmate and everything looks perfect. Didn't have to alter any settings, just import and I'm good.

The answer I get form the DRC bot when I've submitted my gerbers shows my top copper power plane filled in solid, and most of my traces 3x the width they're supposed to be. Needless to say, the bot is highlighting DRC errors in places where there's plenty of separation when viewed with Viewmate. Also my bottom copper layer shows up as solid. I've got a copper fill area ground plane covering all of the bottom layer.

it's mentioned that the DRC bot can't handle negative draws? It's looking like FreePCB uses those heavily when it makes a copper fill area.




  1. The bot currently does not handle negative draws ,the next version will, but thats a ways off, have to rewrite its entire geometry engine.

    For special cases where the bot absolutely butchers stuff, just contact support at the batchpcb domain and we'll get them put into the system.  

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