
DREAM HELP ( again lol )?

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Ok so 2 weeks ago i had this dream...

what does it mean?

Me, my mom, and my brother where in my room on my bed when all of a sudden we look out my window and see a GIANT person.. The person is like a monster breaking everything in our backyard. He sees us and starts trying to break the wall. We run out the house and the monster person sees us and chases us. My mom and bro go through a hole in a gate to get out of the lawn. I start running and miss the hole. The monster person goes to grab me but i freeze the seen and its like i hit restart...

I'm running again and this time i make it throught the hole. Then there is a outside theater right there and my mom, dad, brother, uncle, and aunt are watching a scary movie. I'm freaked out thinking that the monster is going to jump over the gate, so i go to the farthest seat. I dont wanna watch the movie bc i'm scared that my mom and brother ( who are at the closest seats ) will get hurt.. My aunt says "watch the movie hun.." and pokes me




  1. Possibly that you're trying to outrun or escape from some situation in real life; maybe you're overwhelmed by something (hence the giant) and you feel like your family is clueless to see it.

    That's just my take on it. There's an abundance of websites where you can look up stuff from your dreams - is a good one.

  2. Monster or Giants = fear, insecurity, high authority figure

    being chased = being criticized

    your bed, yard, house = privacy level.

    This dream may be about your privacy being invaded by some high authority figure.  This may not be your mom since your mom and bro are in the scene.  This high authority figure could also be the mind of fear, the feeling of insecurity.

    Projecting the monster breaking in symbolizes lack of security due to privacy invasion. Perhaps, lately you are feeling people around you that won't be helping you that much in terms of how you feel in reality.  You are feeling out of control afterward.

    That is why you vent out your feeling in this dream.

  3. Maybe you're scared that someone is controlling your life and not destroying your only safe place and you can't see straight, but you wish you didn't do things wrong when that person is around all the time. But your family is probably always saying to you that you shouldn't be scared of him/her and you should either just ignore him/her or do something about it, that you should not get scared because of a minor thing and to not let it ruin your life, they probably know what to do in this situation, try talking to them about it. I may be wrong, but that's my opinion.

  4. it means your scared and your afraid what your scared of might hurt someone else but everyones ignorying it like your fears a movie  no bodyseems to care.

    so basically you have a fear but everyone around you is ingnoring it but they know what your afraid of  and there scared to but they just ignore it

    hope this helps im not a dream person but im just trying to help you good luck

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