
DREAMS - what does this dream mean?

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a giant tortoise/turtle was walking down the stairs in one of my dreams




  1. There maybe decisions and events that are taking place in your life that are going to fast, you should slow down and take time to make sure you don't end up making a mistake where you could potentially get hurt.  Just be careful and everything will work out fine.

  2. your life is slowly going downhill

  3. It means nothing.  The turtle, stairs and everything in that dream is just a juxtaposition of your thoughts and memories experienced during your waking life.  Have you had a recent encounter with a turtle or stairs?  Maybe read about them or seen them in a movie where they were part of the plot.

    To give you an example.  Two nights ago I was having a hard time falling asleep, so I decided to watch an old zombie movie.  After what seems like an hour I fell asleep, only to be awaken by something banging on my window (of course I looked behind the curtain), only to find out there was a group of zombies trying to break my window.  Of course I woke up only to experience the same thing again (deja vu).  After this one I woke up for real.

    You can go to Wikipedia and read about it:

    Some of the entries might not make sense to you, but so are dreams.

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