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- What are some risks you take?

-Why do people do it





  1. LOL. . . . .   do you know how many beers would put you at the legal limit.  depending on your size your looking at around two. i would not compare drinking and driving to talking on your cell phone. Most accidents caused by a drunk driver result in fatality. And those drivers are well beyond the legal limit. Learn the facts be for you compare!!!

  2. Driving while either intoxicated or drunk is dangerous and drivers with high blood alcohol content or concentration (BAC) are at greatly increased risk of car accidents, highway injuries and vehicular deaths.

    Possible prevention measures examined here include establishing DWI courts, suspending or revoking driver licenses, impounding or confiscating vehicle plates, impounding  or immobilizing vehicles, enforcing open container bans, increasing penalties such as fines or jail for drunk driving, and mandating alcohol education. Safety seat belts, air bags, designated drivers, and effective practical ways to stay sober are also discussed.

    "IF it is against the law for people to drink and drive, why are there parking lots outside of bars?".....................................

  3. It's less dangerous than talking on a cell phone, hands-free or not.

    4 independent studies have each shown approximately 10% greater risk for those talking on a hands-free cell phone, than for a person driving over the legal limit of .08 BAC.

    Count the number of people talking on cell phones in traffic next time you're driving. Drinking and driving is not that big a deal, nor that much of a threat, the people have declared by their actions, not their words.

  4. You've probably seen people sober and then after a few drinks...2 different personalities with different capabilities and emotions...One you might invite over for dinner, the other - not!

    This is the last slide that is in my presentation -

    "If I am not in control of me, then there is no way I can control my vehicle."..Feel free.

    All the best.

  5. Quite simple, I do not take any risks,not worth it.

    As for why people do it? guess they have never seen the effects that an accident and subsequent death of an Innocent party has on the family that is left to pick up the pieces, or the mother having to explain to a 3 year lad, that the dad he adored so much won't becoming home again

    Not that big a deal eh, Captain J??
You're reading: DRINKING AND DRIVInG?

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