
DS troubles please help 10 points if it works?

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I need help connecting my DS to wifi so I can play with other people around the world. Thank you.





  2. if it dont werk try droppin it many times. it mite break tho like my sisys did mine dint


  4. Make sure you have a game that uses wifi (pokemon for example) and  an available wireless connection (if its WEP Secured, get the passcode ready) Select the Wi-fi Options from the game, select one of the connections, let it scan, once it found your connection, select it ( enter pass code if the connection is secure), and see if it's able to connect to the internet.

  5. I did it using the pokemon game.

    all you do is go to the menu before you start the game. then go down to Nintendo Wifi Settings and click "search for an access point." (u need wireless internet to do this).

    Click on your bowser name (if your DS detects it0 then if your internet needs a wep key (security key) check you router and it should be on your router (it is 10 digits long).

    Enter that in and test the connection. If it works, then all you need to do is get other people's Friend Codes and then set up a time to play and you can play with people from around the world

  6. wii?i don't know.but,i know you can chat with people on your ds.just have your person close.and,just chat.

  7. I did it using the pokemon game.

    all you do is go to the menu before you start the game. then go down to Nintendo Wifi Settings and click "search for an access point." (u need wireless internet to do this).

    Click on your bowser name (if your DS detects it0 then if your internet needs a wep key (security key) check you router and it should be on your router (it is 10 digits long).

    Enter that in and test the connection. If it works, then all you need to do is get other people's Friend Codes and then set up a time to play and you can play with people from around the world

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