
DSL connection is fine, but my phone doesn't work.?

by  |  earlier

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Recently, my phones have been going out. There's no dial tone and the phone thinks that it is In Use. I checked all the phones and they are all on the hook. There's filters for the DSL on all phones. We have a dial tone from the box outside, but nothing whatsoever inside. We even tried turning off the modem just to be sure that wasn't the problem. Our service is through Verizon, but the costs of them coming out to have a look is unreal. Any ideas or suggestions are appricated




  1. As you told that the Dsl is working fine which is thru the same telephone connection that we can be sure that the problem is not on the line  .

    and also you told that the demarc jack outside is working fine

    what you can do is check with your splitter that splits the dsl and telephone connection and check your telephone jack too.

  2. yes it is is a land line issue seei f you phone comapy offers line backer service that is an additinla $5.99 a month and covers any costs ofthem coming out, if it is verizon coimng out and you do not have land line service withthen yes it does cost a forutne also rmember that your phoned line is split between datat and voice, the data is for you dsl your voice is for land line calls just have you home phone company seeif they is something wrong with the voice porion of your line

  3. if the voice line works at the box outside your house, the phone company will charge you to fix your phone.

    Sometimes even if there is a short on the wires the dsl will still work.

    If you don't want to pay them, you'll have to go under the house and follow the wires from the outside box to wherever they go in your house. you may have put a nail right through the cable that shorts it.

    Start by disconnecting all the phones and with a line tester ($4 at home depot) or with a corded phone investigate where could the fault be.

    Good luck.

  4. try disconnecting the filters and just plug the phone in. if that works, try just the phone in one filter. if that then works, try the phone with any other filters you have, it may be you have a faulty filter, or possibly a faulty phone. sounds more like a faulty filter though.

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