
DUBAI:Credit card fraud/hacked please help me:REALLY URGENT...?

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we are from dubai n my husband used his credit cardfor online payment(utility bill payment)that was one week he recieved a call from bank telling that they are hqving a doubt about a fraud in his creditcard like somebody got his creditcard details while online payment..and he used ti for skype,yahoo,click n buy..tehy told him that they cannot reveal the details now..fraud department will giv hima call within 3days..what should we do now?lodge a police complaint?or should we wait for three more days?is it possible to catch the criminal?am so panic...i asked him to give a call to banks toll free number and get the statements...we have to pay the amount?or will they refund it?please answer this really long it will take for verification..




  1. Hi I am working in a bank in dubai, Using your card on internet is always tricky you have to make sure that which ever site you go and pay it should start with Https:// not just http:// which is not secure. Do not wait for the bank to call and tell you about the fraud, The first thing you should do is call the bank and ask them to block your card immediately for electronic use , The criminal can be caught if he has used skype and click and buy, it will take time but it is possible, and tell your bank that you will be lodging an official police complaint if they do not take action in 24 hours and let you know the damage occured.Verification process differs from bank to bank, But you can force them to speed up.

  2. If your card was used fraudulently then you will not be held liable for the charges. Also if you have a 1800 number on the card call it now and cancel that card immediately. Also first thing tomorrow make a police complaint.

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