
DUI... What Should I Do, I'm only 18

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I'm 18 and I got a DUI a week ago. I'm unsure what to do. My record is clean. I do not want this on there. And I don't want to loose my license for 90 days. I have the possibility to get the best lawyer possible who says he can clean it up for $5,000. But is it worth it? Can I get a cheaper lawyer who might be able to do the same thing? Or do I get no lawyer and wait for the prosecutor to offer me a plea bargain.

what do i do!!!?

Please Help





  1. Pay the attorney.  You may have to work extra to pay off the legal bills, but having a clean record is more important.  He can probably arrange for a plea deal which includes judicial diversion.

  2. Stop drinking and driving!  How would you feel if you killed or crippled someone?   Have you ever heard of this one woman, Jacqui Saburido?    Look up her story on google.  Look at photos of her.    Maybe you'll be more careful next time.    

    You've only been driving for a short time, and already have a DUI.  People like you shouldn't have driving licenses.

  3. The problem with lawyers, is they do not give a guarantee.  If in fact he cleans your record, $5000 is a good deal.  Get the guarantee in writing, and make sure that money also includes fines and other costs.

  4. Good people make mistakes, especially this kind of mistake. Those who are saying you are an idiot have probably just been better at getting away with it...not saying they have driven while fall-down drunk...but nearly everyone I know has driven after two or three beers, which is enough to get you a DUI in nearly any state yet usually not enough for you to lose control. You will learn a hard lesson here, no doubt. But you'll be all the better and more cautious for it.

    Now, as far as facing the judge...

    Do NOT expect a prosecutor to offer you a plea bargain without an attorney. The prosecutor knows that you don't know the rules of the court, and that he will simply be able to embarrass a guilty verdict out of you by talking circles around you. The US court system is needs an attorney to be navigated through.

    There are a lot of attorneys who specialize in DUI cases, that sounds like the 5G one you have. Usually, they will do the same things most lawyers will but they may know a few other tricks. If your case is not cut-and-dry (doesn't sound like it, what with you just being asleep in a car), I would hire him. If they have you dead to rights, I would still find a decent attorney who can get you out on a reckless op or something like that.

    You will be out a ton of change either way, and you may very well lose your license. Just remember, it's all only temporary and it will pass.

    Best of luck.

  5. Uh, not to be a jerk but...

    ...if you're sleeping in your car, with the car off...not can not get a DUI.

    its called DUI not SUI

  6. It doesn't matter if you were sleeping in the car or driving the car it's still a DUI, I was in court and some guy had received a DUI while sleeping in his car and after he was found guilty, he told the judge "well since it don't matter if I was driving or not I guess I'll just drive from now on, because the punishment the same."

    If the lawyer can guarantee to clean it up, and won't get paid unless he does, I'd go for it. Most likely he'll have you go into rehab of some type, and yes you can get a cheaper lawyer who could do the same thing, look for one that specializes in DUI's.

    The prosecutor won't offer a plea bargain, it's open and shut as far as he's concerned.

  7. A DUI at 18???

    You're an idiot.  You're lucky you aren't in jail.  I doubt even the best lawyer could clean this up for you.

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