
DUI at 19.....Is my life over?

by Guest45367  |  earlier

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Ok I got a DUI two years ago at the age of 19. I have not had a drink since the night of my arrest. (Decided to never have a drop of alcohol for the rest of my life.)

I have been extremely depressed and I just sit on my bed with my laptop. I am on summer vacation from college but I can't get myself to leave my house.

Part of me wants to move on and say it's not as bad as I thought. But I am still so ashamed.......I don;t know what to do.

Can I still apply to graduate school? My dream is to be a social worker to help abused women......I want to inspire people....But I don't know if they would see me as a defective person that deserves to die.

Someone I know said I should be sentenced to death............

Should I go out of my house and look for a job? I am so scared tho bc I will have to say I got a DUI....Also I currently volunteer only.... bc they don't make a huge deal over my DUI.

I help children in need through my volunteer work but I still feel defective and dep




  1. You are doing a great job working as a voolounter for childrens in need

    Do not please feel ashamed  is easy to do wrong things expecially at your age help you t if you are geninuely sorry just forgive yourself and move on  .

    One day this will be a thing of the past and maybe you if your desire to be a social work come true this bad experience you will .help others to not do the same .Good luck

  2. No one can do it but you. SOoooo...Get off your butt, People need you....Nobodys going to give a rats rearend if you had a dui.that is two years old.

  3. You need some counseling. While getting a DUI is not good and can hinder some opportunities, it's not a death sentence. I'm assuming your court case has been taken care of. Go out and look for a job. Be upfront about your conviction and tell them what you've learned from it and how you've grown as a person because of it. Would you have spent so much time volunteering if you hadn't gotten it? Most people who are struggling find more inspiration from those who rose above difficult circumstances than they do from those who were always able to avoid them. Good luck!

  4. are you kidding me!?

    yes you did a bad what?...people make mistakes

    no one will look at you as some who deserves to die!

    you made your mistake you havent touched alcohol since then - hence you have learned your mistake

    problem solved

    .......p.s. some people will judge, but who gives a ****, at the end of the day your opinion of your self counts!

  5. I got a DUI when I was 19 (i'm now 24) and your life is far from over.  I was supposed to go to Warrent Officer Flight Training (in the army, you are trained to fly apache helicopters), and I got kicked out of the program.  I thought my life was over, but I was oh so wrong.  I finished school, and am now a nurse, I have a great husband and daughter.  Just focus on moving forward and you'll be fine.  As for jobs, just go out and apply for whatever you want to do.  If they don't hire you because a DUI that happend 2 years ago, then it wasn't ment to be anyway.  Good luck.

  6. let me just say your lucky to be living!Think about what would happen that night if you wern't poled over by a cop!you could have killed yourself Forget the past and think about the future i know it sounds cheezy but do what you dream of doing

    let go of the past

  7. life is way too short for you to be sitting there being depressed about your DUI charge. you did it, you paid the consequences. NOW MOVE ON! 2 years ago is a long time. just think, you dont know how much time you have left on this earth. dont just sit there !

    the past is a past for a reason...leave it there

  8. Your life is not over - A DUI is serious - but in most cases a first DUI is a misdemeanor - so it is not even a felony.  Most jobs only ask about felony convictions - you should be fine.  I would assume you already have your license back or are working on this - which is often the bigger issue in getting a job.

    You can still apply to grad school - MANY and I mean MANY of my students have DUI's and worse.

    You should apply for jobs - most don't need to know about it - and won't unless you tell them.


  9. No.

  10. dont listen to that bs get out the house but dont drink the best socail worker is some one whom has been threw something and can let people know the truth about there story

  11. You'll be fine.  Unless it was a felony DUI, it won't show up on most background checks that employers run, and if it was your first one and nobody got hurt than it isn't a felony.

    George W. Bush got a DUI and he is the most powerful man in the world, so don't let it stop you from achieving your dreams.

  12. It's not that big of deal that you had a beer. You can let it slip man.

  13. People who drink and drive should lose their license and priviledge to drive for LIFE, for the very first offense, no ifs, ands, or buts. Thats the way its done in Europe, and you know what? The problem of drinking and driving is MINIMAL, because they know the consequences. And the level of impaired driving should be lowered. When you drive, there should not be not even one drop of alchohol in your system. Because there are no second chances for the dead victim of a DUI, why should there be any for you?

  14. restart you life. tell them what you just told us. you made a stupid desison and have paid the price for it

  15. if it happened two years ago and you are still depressed over it you need serious professional help.  You can still apply to school and jobs, but if they ask if you have been arrested just be honest.  You can tell them you made a mistake, and you have taken responsibility for your mistake and have not made and will never make the same mistake twice.

  16. No your life is not over.. just dont get in trouble again.. go to church and discover god.. (: - ) He helps us get through anything~

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