
DUI hearing after 1 year suspension (advice/help)

by Guest59392  |  earlier

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I know the consequences and the bad decisions I made for drinking and driving, so please do not respond with the typical responses I see of "you drank and drove, dont deserve it back", "you won when you didnt kill yourself or anyone else", etc.

14 months ago I was charged with a DUI and lost my license for 1 year. I have since maintained sobriety (15 months as of August 11th), entered AA where I attend a minimum of 4 meetings a week (which is not court ordered), no violations with probation, have obtained 2 sponsors which I talk to on a daily basis, Have letters of character including one from my counselor from a counseling program I went through, a letter from my P.O. (both containing very positive remarks), letters from coworkers and those in my life who are aware of my treatment, who drive me around (ie. to and from meetings, probation meetings, etc), and I have around 5 letters from people at my local AA club, I have all fines and costs paid off, both drivers responsibility fines of $1000 paid off, have 2 people from AA (1 of my 2 sponsors, and 1 long time member from AA who sees me on a normal basis) coming to back me, I am actively working the steps (currently working through 4th step) as well as read the big book daily.

I recently was put on 24/7 call at work, as well as my S.O. has recently found out she is around 6 weeks long in pregnancy. I would even be pleased if the DAAD board granted me restricted for to and from work, treatment (AA and PO meetings), and doctors appts for my girlfriend as she progresses along in pregnancy I do not feel comfortable with her driving.

Any suggestions for going into this hearing would be greatly appreciated!




  1. Hello, just exactly as you are relaying the message to us you convey it to the members of the board.

  2. In my experience, the hearing that i had was very short.  I went in, show I completed everything that the court ordered and that was it.  Pretty d**n easy.  You should be good man, you've showed a big change in  your lifestyle.  Good luck

  3. well first of congrats on staying sober that long, its a hard drug to beat so congrats.  and it sounds like you have done well so i would say with all of your support and if the judge isnt in a crappy mood than you should be ok.  it sounds like you have made great steps so lets hope the judge sees it and gives you a conditional or even better.  once again. CONGRATS

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