
DVD, RF Modulator and Analog Converter Hook Up?

by Guest64064  |  earlier

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I have an older TV with rabbit ears. I have hooked up an analog converter box and need to hook up my DVD recorder. I have a rf modulator. No matter how I hook it up I can't get the DVD to work. Does anyone know how to hook up rabbit ears, dvd, and analog converter. I have one rf input in the back of the tv and a rf modulator. Before the analog converter I had the rabbit ears to the dvd and the dvd to the rf modulator and the rf modulator to the tv and it worked fine.Now I can't get the dvd to work




  1. It looks like you were using the TV tuner from the DVD recorder. The converter only replaces your Tuner.

    So this should work.

    Connect the antenna to the converter box.

    If the converter has RF out connect it directly to the TV to check if you get any stations.

    If that part works, you need to connect the DVD recorder.

    Two options: a) Use composite from the converter box to Line In in the DVD-R, then conect the DVD-R to the TV via RF.

    b) Use Coax to connect Box to DVD recorder. Set DVD recorder to ch. 3 or 4 to get the input. Loopback the output from the DVD-R to the TV.

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