
DVD copyright protection....?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to play a DVD in my computer, but it keeps on saying something about copy-right protection, or whatnot. I understand this is in place to prevent copying the DVD, but that isn't what I want to do. I just want to watch it. Any answers?




  1. Certain media players want you to install a third party dvd decoder to watch DVD movies, whether if its a burned DVD, or original.

    that's if you want to WATCH a dvd in the Computer..

    if you have windows media player, you can buy a third party for like 25 dollars, but there should be some free plug ins, its just hard to find..

  2. Are you trying to play an original DVD or a copy? If you're trying to play a copy that your or someone made, then it's preventing you from doing so because the copy protection on the original made the copy inoperable.

  3. Haha, not with Hollywood. DVDs are usually protected with 40-bit DES, Macrovision, or both. DES in particular has a lively history, with rampant civil disobedience just so Linux could play a lousy DVD; DeCSS became perhaps the most controversial software ever made, and its hosting led to several criminal prosecutions.

    These days, however, nobody gives a rats posterior; the battleground is on Blu-ray. Just get a copy of VLC or Mplayer; unlike certain players, their Linux-oriented heritage means they don't use regioning or encryption.

  4. Coping DVD I always use AVS DVD Copy. It copies personal home video even protected ones in the original quality.

    I download the software from:

    Unbiased reviews and side-by-side comparisons of the DVD copy give you enough information to research the ins and outs of a particular product:

    Also, you can google some other software:

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