
DVD >>Cable box >> TV ?

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TV has one coaxial connection. Cable converter box has video/audio inputs and outputs. DVD has audio/video outputs only. I tried to plug DVD output ( red, yellow and white) thru converter box input (red, yellow and white) then converter coaxial to TV coaxial.....

Cable works great. I can hear the dvd (sort of not as loud) but no picture...Is RF modulator necessary or could the cable box have a problem with its video/audio input ? Thanks




  1. DVDs (and blu-ray for that matter) use a copy protection scheme called macrovision.  It's why your DVDs aren't displaying properly.

    You will need to connect each device to the TV separately.

    You can buy a switch that allows you to use composite video inputs from your DVD and cable box, and can connect to your TV with an RF modulator.  They're sold at WalMart or any other store, in the TV accessory aisle.  Should cost $20 or so for a switch that has 4 ports on it.

  2. Try this setup. First, run a coaxial cable coming from the coaxial output in the box, into your TV. Then, run the red, white, and yellow RCA cable from the DVD player's output, into your TV's input. Now, your cable box is on channel 3, and your DVD player is on an Input channel.

  3. The cable box is apparently not functioning as an RF modulator.Yes it could be bad.  Check to insure the cable box is on the video input setting and the TV set should be on channel 3 or 4.

    If you want to get a RF modulator it will work.  You will also need to get an A/B switch so you can switch between cable and the DVD without unscrewing the wires.

    See this article on how to set it up.

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