
DVD recording difficulties?

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I have just bought a Samsung DVD recorder with a 160GB hard drive and a built in Freeview receiver. I am quite pleased with it as it is quite easy to use (once you have studied the instruction booklet a few times). However, I am having difficulties with some DVDs. DVD+r will record but will not play back on any other device (either of my 2 PCs or the DVD player I had before the new one I have just bought). I have tried 2 types (hp and Tesco). I have also tried DVD+RW discs and they record and play on any device.

Is this normal or are some disc brands better than others - I have previously had trouble with some CDs, but when I switched to TDK and Sony, there was no problem?

There are also other types of DVDs, e.g. DVD-R (instead of +R) and DVD-RW. Are these any good?

Why not just have one type that will do everything?




  1. Have another look in your instruction book & check what type of DVDs you can use,some favour DVD + over DVD-.All rewritable discs should work ok.The most likely cause of your problem is that you are not finalising the disc after recording.Usually not necessary with a rewritable disc.This has to be done with all others in order for it to play on another machine other than the one you have recorded it on.If you look in your manual for this procedure it will tell you how to access the function & how to use it,this will probably be found on your menu/list on remote control.If you have not already done so you should be able to set it to different recording lengths ( xp,sp,Lp,ep )or fast,recommend using LP this way you can record up to 4hrs of programme.I hope this info' is helpful to you,it took me a while to sort through it all.

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