
DVT/Superficial Phelb in left arm - scared out of my mind - HELP!?

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Last Wed. I underwent emergency surgery. I had IVs in my left arm - many of them. I was released on Thursday, but by Sunday I went back to ER with complaints about how bad my arm hurt. The ER doc had ultrasound tests done and showed superficial phlebitis (sp). I was told to put arm up, with heat and take ibuprophen and to see outpatient vascular dr. in two days to make sure clot has not moved.

I went to the dr. on Tuesday and the technician said the clot hadn't moved and that it was in a superficial vein. He said he wanted me to the see dr. on Thursday.

I came back in today and met with the Dr. He said that I need to take aspirin and that the clot is more Deep Vein than Superficial. I'm so perplexed!!!! First they all say superficial and now he says "more like" deep vein, but not exactly deep vein - HOW CONFUSING FOR ME.

So then he said he wanted me to take two adult aspirins twice a day for a week and to come back in next Friday for another ultrasound. I said, "that's it?" Aspirin? He said, well I could put you on coumadin but at this point I think it'd be "overkill". I said, am I going to die from this. He told me that it is very very rare for an arm DVT to turn into emboli. I asked if he'd take the vein out and he said "nope, only if it got badly infected." He then said that some people have this their entire life!

I felt bad and started crying and I said to him, "I went in for surgery and come out with a clot in my arm." He said, "it's very common actually."

I told him I have anxiety about this and he reassured me again that at this point in time it's not life threatening and that with medication and weekly follow ups things should improve and at least we know where we stand.

Have any of you had DVT in your arm? I'm scared. I have two amazing kids, a great life all in all and I love life and this clot thing really has me on edge. How can I get positive and move on and just treat this without it tearing me down.





  1. Yes, in fact I did.  Before my arm surgery.  he drained it when he did the surgery.  I got mine from a fall i took about a year before.  

    2 yrs later, i developed a clot in my leg, which led to PE.  I am now on warfarin to keep me from clotting.  

    Asprin is the next best thing to warfarin that there is to help keep clotting down.  I guess I never had the clots before because i took 2 asprin 2x a day for many years.

    PLEASE  have your doctors check you for PROTEIN S deficency.   They found out I had this about a year after I got sick.

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