
Dad being totally unfair

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I am turning 13 in feb. and I really want to wear makeup. My mom is ok with it but my dad is being ssssoooooo stubborn and won't let me wear it. He says i am too young and beautiful. I want to cry its not fair he yelled at me when i wa trying to be mature about it on txt. here is what i said

me " i understand u don't want me wearing makeupat my age right now and i would like to work something out with you cuz i don't want to fight with you over something dumz'

him "We aren't fighting"

me '' i know but i don't want to start"

him ''you are too young for makeup"

me " can you tell me which makeup you absoultely hate on girls"


he never texted back

then he called and yelled at me then talked to my mom and was really upset

i am soo mad i just want to cry.I have really nice skin and i know he thinks i am beautiful but i don't. he is very strict no boys, makeup, skirts without shorts underneath, braw straps showing etc.

He treats like i am still 3 what do i do.





  1. The issue is that your father sees other 13 yr old girls wearing makeup, dressing wildly, dating too young, hanging with the wrong crowds, having s*x too young, doing all the wrong things that he doesn't want YOU to do. And while you SAY you won't do those things, he is your father and by setting a limit at what ages you will be allowed to do certain things is the best way to do it. He is passing these guidelines to you so that someday you will be able to guide your children int he same manner thorugh life and protect them from the world as best you can.

    I would venture to say that in a couple of years make-up will not be an issue. :)

  2. my bestfriend last year had the same problem.[now she is 13 im14]

    her dad is strict like that 2. she wore makeup anyway she just put it on once we got 2 school.her parents ended up finding out and she got grounded but about a month later her parents decided to let her wear it

  3. There are millions of kids your age that wish thier dad would care enough about them to even notice they are around. not to mention the millions who have no dad at all. I am sure you are a great child.  He feels like he feels and you may just have to accept it.

    Ps. please don't tell your dad you love him becuase you are wanting to win him over to your way thinking.  

  4. Make-up is fine for older women who wants to look younger, but for a young teen it just makes you look like a w***e. Dad is right. Be sides that the make-up holds in bacteria and causes pimples at an age where it is difficult to control them any way. I know I went through the very same thing with my daughter, now she has big pimples on her face and major doctor bills to get rid of them.  

  5. well i started wearing makeup at your age my dad didn't like it either my mom was ok with it but i didn't listen to my dad and just decided to wear it and he didn't say anything about it, but I don't think you want to do that

    (im stubborn and hard to deal with XD)

    I think your dad just hates seeing his girl grow up so fast ya know? he just doesn't want you to end up meeting that one teenage boy who will lead you into things.

    The best thing you can do is talk to your mom and see if she can talk to your dad, if that don't work than your going to have to do your best to tell him why he should let you wear makeup




  6. To be honest, honey, you have to show your father that you are mature, not just "good."  It's hard for him to see you as an adult if you still act like a child - exaggerating, pleading, misspellings of basic words, etc.

    Your approach was very reasonable, but it's better to discuss important things in person, not by email or phone.  It's far too difficult to express tone over text, so people are free to assume you're using a negative or whiny tone when you're really using a mature or calm tone.  So if it really matters to you, discuss it in person.

    He didn't text back because he probably was busy with other things - work, driving, etc.  It's not personal and it's not negative.  I don't know why he yelled at you.

    At 12, yes, you are too young.  You really don't need any makeup yet, not for everyday.  But at 13 it's reasonable to start practising, and using it for special occassions.  Try this - look for pictures of girls your age in magazines, ads, online, etc, preferably girls who look like you.  Get a range of looks: without any makeup, with lots of makeup, emo looks, goth looks, preppy looks, etc.  Sort them out.  Then show your dad, and agree with him that you definitely don't want any heavy or outrageous looks, but that some of the simpler and lighter looks are okay.  

    Then ask him and your mom to humor you just for one day on your birthday, and come with you to get a makeover.  Have a lady at the beauty counter of the department store give you just a few touches for a "natural, youthful, girl-next-door" look.  You probably don't need much more than lip gloss or maybe a little eyeshadow, and concealer.  Show your dad how you can wear makeup without looking different from your normal self.  

  7. Obviously - Dad loves you - if he did not then he would let you do whatever you wanted.

    I am the father of a 13 year old daughter - I am the same way with her - I love her very much just like your father loves you - I agree with your father - your time will come when you can wear make up in a few years - enjoy your childhood as a child. Beauty is natural it does not have to come in the form of make up like all the magazines show - there is natural beauty - enjoy the natural beauty of your youth. Don't worry about the make up.  

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