
Dad has NO leg hair on either side of his lower leg...?

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he is not sure what it is, he has had it for a long time and assumes that it is from about 5 years ago when he wore two sets of sock but it is just on the front part of his lower leg...any suggestions on what it is?




  1. I wear jeans a lot and over the years, my jeans have rubbed the hair off in some places on my legs.  Some parts look and feel like I've never had hair there.  That's what I suspect has happened with your dad.  

  2. Hi, My Dads legs are smooth as a baby's bum. He says its from years of working in his uniform pants and socks. But he is 71 and hasn't had hair on them ever since i can remember. The funny thing is,my brother is 43 and he now has no hair on his legs, maybe hereditary? I don't think anything is wrong. Don't worry!!!!

  3. Missing leg hair ?... I bet that bald guy took it.  um if he was not hairy in the first place why care but if you are worried about it then suggest he go to a dermatologist  

  4. Unless he is as hairy as I am, it would be reasonable to say the socks pulled on the hairs enough to make the follicles go dormant. I have known people who don't have hair on their head or eyebrows, etc., just by pulling the hairs out so much they eventually don't grow back.

  5. Is it just on one leg, and not the other? Did your dad ever injure the leg without the hair? Is (or was) your dad a smoker? The reason I ask is because hairlessness is often a sign of poor circulation. I work with people who have circulatory problems in their legs. Other signs of poor circulation include hairless feet and a change in skin temperature. Typically, the hairless part of the leg or foot is cooler to touch than parts that still have hair. Other symptoms of a severe circulation problem is leg pain at night that is relieved when the person hangs their leg over the bed, or gets up and walks, or a cramping, burning pain that happens with exercise. I don't know if this is the case with your dad. But, if he has any of these symptoms, it would be advisable to have him checked by a vascular surgeon.

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