
Dad has issues with partner?

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My dads overseas now, and he really hates me talking to guys (I'm 16). About 2 years ago, i met my partner and we started talking and became best friends, and now we're together. The problem is, throughout these two years, my dad has had constant fights and arguements with me about him. I've tried to talk to him in secret many times, but my dad always catches me, or something happens with my family and thiers. Long story short, before my dad went overseas, my dad and my partners dad had an arguement, and my dad told me its enough you need to stop talking to him, i hate his family, so you can't have any future with this boy. He told me if he catches me talking to him one more time, I'm going overseas and i'm getting taken out of school.

I can't stop talking to him but, i'm in love with him. He makes me happy and we understand each other. My mum still thinks theres hope for us. So i'm trusting her instincts.

However, im scared of my dad. If he finds out i'm still talking to him, let alone thinking of marriage in 4 years time, he'll do something drastic. I want my dad to understand me, i feel so distressed.

He thinks we're still young and we dont understand what love is and we'll regret ever being together. But i know myself, and i'll never regret it.

How do i make him understand?




  1. You do what makes you happy!!! Tell dad he is going to end of losing you over this. He probably doesnt want you to grow up so fast..good luck!

  2. You can't make your dad understand.  He is your dad and he loves you.  Maybe he sees something you can't.  You are still young and have your whole life in front of you.  All you can do is take it one day at a time.  Sit down with your dad and really listen to his side of things.  Don't listen with your heart but listen with your head.  Don't throw away your relationship with your dad for a boy, there are lots of boys out there but you only have one dad.

    Best of luck to you

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