I live with my dad, my 4 syblings, and my grandma. My mom is out of the picture, just uses me. I have 3 little syblings and one older brother who just moved in bc he was failing school over in CO (we live in CA) and my dad wanted to help him.
Anyhow, I'm not a spectacular student but I managed about 3.5 for all of highschool. I got into UC Santa Cruz but I never really wanted me to go there, my dad kind of guilt tripped me into it. When I realized there were no majors that could apply to my future there (they're more researched based where I'm more art based) I told my dad that I wasn't going to be able to go and instead would work in the fall then go to San Jose State in the spring. I'm really into interior design and they have a good program there. My dad told me he wouldn't support me at all through out school, won't sign my FAFSA papers, and told me he's considering kicking me out of the house in Sep (when I was supposed to leave for Santa Cruz).
I know I might sound spoiled, I've tried coming up with solutions out of this problem but I can't think of anything. I worked all of my senior year of highschool, my dad always made me pay work clothes, food, my car and everything that comes with it, and all of my luxuries. I'm already low on cash from that so I don't know how I'll do an apartment too. I'm looking for a serving job bc it pays more than the avg jobs but all of them either require expierence (I've only been a nanny and a Starbucks worker) or require that you be a host for about a year which is min wage. Any suggestions?