
Dad wants to take full custody of daughter, but she doest want to go with him??

by  |  earlier

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so my friends mom let her dad borrow..oh, like 15,000 dollars and he said he would pay her back but he didnt...everyone told her that her dad was her uncle but she knew it wasnt true, when he told her if she knew she cried and she stopped talking to him for a while but not because she hated him...

so the dad filed a court order saying that he wants full custody of the daughter but she doesnt want to...he said that her mom conviced her to hate her dad but its not true.....what can they do???

and can they use the money thing against him??

i really want to help her really bad but i dont think i can...i just want some information




  1. If the child doesn't want to go with the father, that will have some effect, but if they have no proof that he did something wrong, she'll probably have to go and live with him anyway. Also, the deal with the money will probably be that if the mom gave it to won't hurt him. But, if it was borrowed, than he's in trouble. I hope that they keep her away from him...he sounds irresponsible at the very least.

    God Bless!

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