
Dads: Would you rather have a store bought card or a made card for Father's Day???

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i'm wondering whether i should make a card or buy a card.




  1. Made cards feel mouch more personal and special. Though bought cards cost money, it is not the same as having something your kid took time to make. Made cards are a lot more meaningful.

  2. Well if they get a really funny gift card i would rather prefur that card

  3. Made up cards really show personal value and show sort of that you weren't in some rush.

    It makes anyone feel better, plus you make the writing, and the cover story is always correct (my MOM bought a card that said Happy Birthday Brother, and crossed out the "Brother" and put in "Son", it wasn't so great, LOL)

  4. There is always much more joy in receiving a gift or card that some-one has taken the time to make.

    It makes the person who makes the gift feel good, and the person who received the gift feel good.

    There are some great ideas and verses on the net, to inspire you.

    And I'm sure your Dad is going to feel great that you spent that extra time on his card

  5. try both so you get  personal and a formal so he knows you love him and he also knows your not cheep

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