
Dads dreams for me.. or my dreams?

by Guest67065  |  earlier

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My dad has done so much for me and I look up to him so much. He wants me to become a Medical researcher or a heart doctor/surgeon. He practically has my whole life played out and has told me thousands of times.

I do not want to be a doctor... i have an interest in science and biology but being a doctor is honestly the last thing i want to do.

I want to be a tattoo artist. Its not exactly easy telling the dad that aspires for me to be a doctor that I want to be a tattoo artist. He thinks tattoos are trashy, and he told me that if i ever get one he would kill me [I already have 2 small ones that he hasn't seen]

How can I deal with this nicely? I still want to have a very good relationship with my dad, but i also want to follow my dreams.




  1. well i think u should follow your dreams because as life goes on your dad is not gonna be there all the time and when u do a job your suppose to do something that u enjoy getting up in the morning for and can always say i love my job.just tell him in a nice way that u understand that he wants the best for u but what he wants is far from what u want and about the tattoo my granny says the same thing but i say it's your body and u have to live with it, not him and if he dosen't like it then don't look at it simple as that.`~brandy

  2. Well, you should be honest with him. He might not take it well at first and he may not even talk to you for a while, but he'll come around soon enough. Maybe he'll accept it, but it's always best to be prepared for the worse, just in case. One thing you should NOT do is become a doctor since it's not something you'll enjoy doing from what you've posted. Think of something to say to him; a way to break the news to him. Tell him why you don't want to be a doctor and how you appreciate what he's done, but you'd rather become a tattoo artist since it interests you so much.

    Hope this helps.  

  3. do the carrer that u want to do.

    its ur life and ur choice

    if hes mad, so be it

    he had a chance to become whatever he wanted

    so now its ur turn

  4. Get your degree in science and use it to be the best tattoo artist ever.

  5. As respectful and considerate as possible, you need to let him know that you love and respect the way he has cared for you; however, you are an adult now. You feel that you owe it to yourself to become what makes you happy, which is a Tattoo Artist. Apologize if that offends him; yet, you must insist on living your own life, just as he had the ability to choose what he wanted to do with his life.

    Personally, I hate the idea of you wasting a good mind on just doing tattoos also, You have the potential to be much more and perhaps you owe it to yourself to at least try a career in some form of science and biology.  I think Dad is looking at the money and status of a career for you; yet, IT HAS TO BE YOUR DECISION. Good luck.

  6. How old are you?

    My mother raised me and wanted me to go to Medical school. When I was a sophomore in high school I decided I wanted to work in movies. So when she would bring it up I just ignored the subject. When it came time to fill out college applications I had a heart to heart with her and told her I didn't want to. She was upset but knew that I would follow through with my dream so she wasn't worried. She felt that medical school was a lifetime career with no worries but I convinced otherwise. I went to college and received the best grades that I could and now do what I love.

    I would just be honest with him, it's your life, he should want you to be happy with it :)

    Good luck!

  7. If he truly cares for you then he would take it alright. He is just trying to make you have the best life possible.

    I would say that I have a strong passion to pursue a career in body art. Although you want me to become a doctor, I have recently lost interest in that career path and I believe I would do better in this one. I do not want to disappoint you but I dont want to do something that might eventually make my life worse, and I believe becoming a doctor will do so.

    Tell him some interesting facts about becoming a tattoo artist (body artist), tell him about the job and some interesting tidbits.

    Hope that helps.

  8. my dad is the same way about tattoos! i would just have a talk with him and let him down easy and tell him that you appreciate how he wants the best for you, but the best thing for you isnt that job, the best thing is what makes you happy and being a tattoo artist is the only thing that will give that to you.

    good luck!!!!! :)  

  9. Good question.  Just sit down and tell him exactly what you just told us.  That you respect him so much and he's been such a blessing to you and your life.  But when your older you feel the need to choose for yourself what to do with your life.  And hopefully the morals that he taught you will help you in deciding, but you need to make this choice on your own

  10. go with what your heart is leading you towards more and follow your own dreams and not end up miserable by following somebody else's dreams. Plus either one makes a lot of $$$

  11. Well as long as he doesn't actually KILL you, everything will be ok. Do what you want to do. Theres no 2 ways about it. If he tries to get any more control just get your mum to back you up.

    Plus whats wrong with being a tattoo artist?

    Lets face it, you'll have a job - better than your doing now.

  12. surgeons can remove tattoo's you could have a real booming business there you can put them on or takem off

  13. Let's say you did what your dad wanted you to do.. 10 years down the line, would you be happy? it's your life and yes, maybe it will be difficult to tell him, but i'm sure it will be even harder being unhappy. fufill your dreams and go for it, because you only ever live once :)

  14. Do what you want to do or you will live life resenting your father and hating your life!  

  15. I know what its like to admire a parent. And I totally understand!

    Your father is an important figure in your life and you respect his opinion but in the long run only you can determine your own happiness. If being a doctor isnt what you want to do...dont do it!

    I say, follow your dream and be a tattoo artist if thats your dream...


  16. oh god "follow your hear?" that sounds so g*y...look your dad might have done a S.H.I.T  load for you but he cant force you to do anything you dont want how about you be an adult and do whatever the F.U.K.K. you want...if he doesnt like it well then he's not much of a father then now is he?

  17. any dad should understand his daughter unless he is not a dad. You should let him know, its me not you, my dream. If you dont like what he wants you to do dont do it, especially if he is not you. Let him know everything that you said, just do it at a good time when hes not too stressed, be nice and soft about it, keep some detials out and then hug him.

  18. i have the same problem...but try to please your dad but you still gotta do what you gotta do right?...when hes gone w***e you doing it for?

  19. To accomplish both you have to just tell him.  There's no other way around it.  He's going to have to accept that you don't want what he wants.  Tell him in a loving, nice manner and your relationship shouldn't change.

  20. A doctor would make a heck of a lot more money than a tattoo artist but..................

    Just come clean to him and if you guys have a strong relationship then he will only be frustrated temporarily and your dreams will become his dream for you. Hope it works out for you, remember you will always feel better when you don't have any secrets on your chest.

  21. you pretty much have no choice but to sit down and talk with him. youre gunna have to take some heat for not listening to him and getting inked but itll be worth it

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