
Dads gf. son likes me.. ehh wtf????

by Guest63836  |  earlier

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i dont like him.. and liek he asked if i liked him the other day and i said no.. can yall tell me some things to say that would kind of make him feel, uhh like a little brother.. not a guy trying to get with me. its really weird.. i dont want to talk to my dad or his gf about it because they like eachother a lot, and i dont want to mess up their relationship.. yaknow? btw im 16 and hes 15.. so idk. just some things that would maybe change his idea of him liking me? because its really gross.




  1. wow this is crazy, i am unsure how to answer this but all i can say is good luck

  2. incesttt

  3. you should tell him if you dated it would be like incest or do gross things around him,f**t or dig up your nose that should turn him off!

  4. Step-boyfriend-in law.

    Classic drama!

    You are in no legal binding position to be his girlfriend. Just be his friend. Or drown in self-pity. Your choice.

  5. just tell him that. tell him that you dont think of him that way and that you dont wanna mess up the relationship

  6. Tell him that you like him as a kid brother. This should turn him off and also tell him that you only like more mature guys. or guys that are older than you. He has a crush. He will be okay. But you have to be firm and tell him that it ain't gonna happen.

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