
Daily Mail; A reason for O.A.P. middle-Englanders to exist, or a cross between Mein Kampf and Now magazine?

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No, Hooded; The Sun got rid of it's intense Mein Kampf-ism when it found out many Brit. West Indians bought it - for whatever reason - during the nineties. If the Mail continues to terrify (before harping on about patronisingly about the lasses in s*x And The City, or acting like dizzy 'reporters' in gossip magazines), it may even do to the Sun what they did to the Mirror in 1978; overtake it in readership.




  1. You've probably seen this already... short animation from the Monkey Dust series:

  2. LMAO........ great observation. Although I think you're doing Mein Kampf a disservice. Middle Englanders staple diet I'm afraid, and oh do they love to spout it at the pub.

  3. you are so right in it being a cross between Mein Kampf and now magazine what mildless indiot actually buys it?

  4. Hi, native xx.  Understand your concern, but you were over the top with the age of readers. My next door neighbours here in Didsbury are in their early thirties, and they also swear by it. Read your link (and other bits) almost wetting myself. Thinking about it, The Mail overeggs the pudding a bit, like the Guardian does, but from the other side of the ring. Notice you have signed out of Yahoo! Hope your new life in Spain does you the world of good - and also hope you've not done away with my address! Take care rxxxx

  5. A true British newspaper and proud to be so.

    Not afraid to tell the truth and be non politically correct.

    Long live this Great British newspaper.

  6. It would do you good to read it and learn how to write correct English.   I think you have been reading too many comics like the Mirror.   You sound like a Guardian reader - brain washed and brain dead.

  7. Not middle-englander or o.a.p, but understand why the Mail is read by many. Their way of reporting is not to all tastes, but isn't it close to the truth?

  8. The Daily Mail always seems to bring the lefties out of their box as per some of the answers you have received.  If this paper annoys the Guardianistas it can't be all bad.  What doesn't seem to be appreciated is the fact that the Mail has a very large circulation.  Mm, I wonder why that is!

  9. Would you post something similar about The Sun and its readers?

    I don't see the point of your post.

  10. Is there a question here somewhere Native???

  11. It has the potential to be life threatening to those who believe it to be a real newspaper........from apoplexy!

  12. What was wrong with Mein Kampf ?

  13. Its xenophobia for the people who think they are too good to read the sun

  14. Both!

  15. A dangerous publication breeding fear and xenophobia in the population. More responsible for the elderly being afraid to leave their homes then any teenage gang.

    My elderly father in law read in it that the Flu Jab was cheap and ineffective so he did not want to go have his done. Had to persuade him otherwise, but it really is a dangerous paper

  16. I'd wipe my **** with it but I'd wiping more s**t on than off!

  17. This is a typical question from someone of low IQ.

    Just what have you got against OAPs?

  18. It is getting worse.

    Its becoming almost  like the People in its mealy-mouthed hypocrisy: "Oh, this really disgusting thing is happening, but we'll have to tell you in detail so that you can be shocked and outraged too."

    This is in between shouting "Immigrants Go Home" and "Your Daily Medical Shocker: 365 new ways to die each year."

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