
Dairy Queen hotdogs?

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Does anyone know what brand they use? They are sooo good, would like to buy some for home.




  1. Ewwwww.

  2. I think they use Oscar Meyer, but I would just ask them next time you there.

  3. It's the same kind of hot dog that runs wild on the prairie. I feel so sorry for them. They're out there happy in their pack when the Dairy Queenmobile comes along and captures them.  If we keep eating them, soon they will be extinct.  I hear them in my sleep sometimes, just like coyotes.  They just want to live!

  4. Yes, I used to work there years ago. It is a regular dog , mixed beef AND pork that is taken directly from the fridge and microwaved for 2 minutes. Then its placed in a bun and topped with chili/cheese or plain. They are pretty cheap dogs, but I used to adore their burgers, they are actually flame broiled on a real broiler. The dogs can be bought at any warehouse type store.

  5. No, But I love them I fell like gitting one know!

  6. why don't you visit the site or just ask them when you get one...

  7. i have no clue about the hot dogs, but the blizzards are the shizznittle.
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