
Dale JR is the most recognizable face in the sport???

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Is that why everyone looks down on NASCAR?




  1. I think The King Richard Petty still is.

  2. He's kinda cute.

    I've seen worse, much worse in fact..

  3. I dont see where nascar is looked down on!

  4. man you must really love dale jr i think i have to go tell him to go lock his house and hide when he sees you because you are sssssssssssssoooooooooooooooo

    OBSESSED with him man i like dale jr and stewart but i am not that obsessed with them

    and the only reason that fans look down upon nascar is because they let certain drivers get away with things

    oh dale jr and stewart are hot they are not what  you say they are but like what rackpurdue said we have no clue what you look like

    ps its not his name that made him so famous its something ELSE!!!

  5. God likes to look down and watch the #88 too

  6. No the Kings face is still the most recognized!!!!

    People look down on nascar because of what it has become.One big commercial!!!!

  7. no

  8. Jr's popularity has helped the sport more than hurt it and I'm not really sure that folks look down on NAS$CAR unless NA$CAR is self inflicting it's own anguish.

  9. Dale Jr. is the most handsome man in NASCAR. A s**y one too! Hey, here's an idea, why don't you go look in the mirror, see your face, hurry before it breaks!

    Go Dale Jr.!!!


  10. Jr. is no where close to the driver his father was, Why does everyone go nuts over Jr. The only thing Jr has going for himself is his last name. thats all. I dont hate Jr, i just think he is way over rated.

  11. He very well could be the most recognizable it depends on who ya ask I guess anyways I say yes!!

    and oh hey look in the mirror before you pass judgment!! you see we know Jr is cute but we have no idea about the a$$ behind the stupid questions!!

  12. He's the honorary mayor of Dogpatch USA, bless his pea pickin' heart!

  13. wonder he aint got a girl

  14. he is better looking than busch

  15. Is being looked down on REALLY all that bad?

    Surely you are used to it by now..

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