
Dallas Cowboys cornerback Morris Claiborne wants to play on offence as well – NFL News

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Dallas Cowboys cornerback Morris Claiborne wants to play on offence as well – NFL News
Dallas Cowboys’ first-round pick in 2012 National Football League (NFL) draft, cornerback, Morris Claiborne, has expressed a desire of becoming a two-way player by playing on offence as well as defence.
Claiborne, whose selection came as a surprise to many, has said that he would ‘love’ to be a two-way player. In an interview with
ESPN Radio, he said that if given an opportunity, he would give his best to prove that he is a good two-way player.
"I would love to be a two-way player. If they gave me that chance to be able to go both sides of the ball, I'll love it and I won't turn it down. I get in and give it 100 percent."
Cowboys finished the last NFL season after winning eight games in the regular season. They also faced failures in eight games and were not able to qualify for the playoffs.
After the season, they were given a 14th overall pick in the 2012 draft.
Cowboys traded their pick up with the St. Louis Rams to get sixth overall pick so they could select Claiborne as soon as possible and the player is determined to prove his selection right.
Claiborne pointed out the presence of experienced receivers in the squad and said that he was excited to team up with them.
He said:
"I'm very excited to get right in and get around those guys. Try to learn as much as I can learn from the receiver standpoint to the cornerback standpoint, and both of those guys are great, big receivers, and I'm looking forward to getting some work in with
them so they can make me better."
Meanwhile, Cowboys’ head coach, Jason Garrett, has said that he wants leaders in the team and hoped that he could find some among the draft picks of this year.
Cowboys selected seven players in the draft and two of them were drafted to for offensive line while the rest will serve on defence.
If Claiborne is given an extended role, it will be beneficial for both parties. However, it should also be kept in mind that to be a two-way player, Claiborne needs maintain high level of fitness standards.



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