
Dallas Cowboys running back Felix Jones wants to recover soon – NFL News

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Dallas Cowboys running back Felix Jones wants to recover soon – NFL News
Dallas Cowboys running back Felix Jones wants to take the field as soon as possible after recovering from high ankle sprain.
Jones received the injury in the sixth week game of the National Football League current season, and has missed all the games since then. However, he has said that he is not going to take any risk and will refrain from entering
the game unless he feels that he is hundred per cent fit.
"You just have to let your body heal. That's basically it. I don't want to be out there on the football field looking hurt, feeling hurt and not contributing," Jones said on Tuesday. "I definitely want to have everything in top-notch
shape where I can go out there and perform at a high level."
Drafted by Dallas Cowboys in the 2008 NFL Draft, Jones is also eager to play after recovery along with running back DeMarco Murray, who is serving as his replacement. Murray was selected by Cowboys in the 2011 NFL Draft.
In terms of statistics, Murray has beaten Jones (who has 63 carries and 253 yards) recording 100 carries and 674 yards with two touchdowns in the season. In the victory against Buffalo Bills in the week 10 game, Murray managed
135 rushing and 36 receiving yards and scored a touchdown.
In the absence of Jones, Murray’s splendid performance has compelled the team management to introduce such a combination in the future games where both running backs will be playing together.
Recently, Cowboys’ owner Jerry Jones also expressed his desire to see both of them playing together and said that he was ‘anxious’ to see the two running backs outplaying the opponents together.
“I’m anxious," the owner said. "I told Felix after the game, 'Boy, am I anxious to see them both in there together.' I know we have a coach that knows how to figure on having them both in there at the same time."
Although head coach Jason Garrett has not spoken officially about the appearance of both the players together, the comments from the owner and the pressure from the fans will certainly carry some weight-age before the final call
is made.



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