
Dallas TX - When do I fertilize my yard/lawn?

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what time of the year should i fertilize my lawn? what month? how many times a year? i just purchase my first house last July. my lawn had so much weeds. the grass wasnt as thick and green as my neighbors. i was told that it need to be fertilize but i thought it wouldnt matter much. from now i would like to start fertilizing my lawn when it's time.

and what type of fertilizer should i use? thank you all in advance.




  1. I do mine early March/ April, a half rate application mid June before it gets crazy hot  then again in Oct.  Bermuda or St Augustine should pretty much double it's coverage area from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Keep it mowed and watered and by this time next Summer you should really see a bid difference.

  2. You can go website find out there.

    You can fertilize in march or april. It good time for grass grow and goood time for you.

  3. Try going on a site like SCOTTS or some other brand of fertilizer. They should tell you everything you need to know!!

    Have fun MOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. If you mow with a mulching mower, you shouldn't have to fertilize much if at all.  And certainly don't do it now with almost no rain although we finally got some in the last couple of days.   A light fall dosing with a general fertilizer with a broadleaf weed killer or just killing the weeds to reduce competition will set you up for winter and then if you think it needs it, a light application in late Jan. will do for spring growth.

  5. Use grasses that are adapted to your area. Don't compete with the guy next door. Use slow release fertilizer in the fall. Try to minimize the turf area you lavish your time and money on. Check out leguminous ground covers like birdsfoot trefoil and crown vetch (legumes have nitrogen fixing bacteria nodules on their roots which make use of atmospheric nitrogen). and most important of all---FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS DO TURF!!!!

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