
Dalmations? puppy question?

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how much are they on average (as puppies) and any personalty quarks i should know of?




  1. I agree 100% with the first person who posted.

    Of course, care should be taken when selecting any breed.

  2. dont buy from a breeder..this only contributes to puppy mills and euthanasias..if you MUST have a pure breed one from a shelter or breed specific rescue group.

    help keep dogs from being euthanized and breeding machines..avoid breeders!

  3. They are very cute dogs but I don't recommend them as pets.  They can be very mean.  I used to work for an animal shelter and one disfigured a toddler's face for life during an adoption counseling.  I wasn't in the room but from what I understood the counseling was going very well and suddenly the dog without any warning just attacked the little boy.

    Another Animal Caretaker went into a kennel with one to process him into the shelter after he was surrendered.  They dog suddenly turned on him and the only way he could get out of the  kennel was to climb the kennel door.  Seriously I would not own a Dalmation, not even for a million dollars.  Actually give me a well taken care of, Pit Bull-not one trained to be mean.  In the 3 years I worked at the shelter, never once did I EVER feel threatened by a Pit.  Pits came in on nearly a daily basis.  Though during my whole time I was there, I only saw 3 Dalmations and 2 were nuts.

    The Disney movie doesn't portray this breed correctly.  If you are set on this breed, please go to a reputable breeder.  Contact your local kennel club or a vet to get a recommendation on breeders.

    I hate it when a movie comes out and focuses on any one breed.  I guarantee that there will be surge of people seeking the breed and unreputable  breeders take advantage of this.

    Good luck

  4. I had a Dalmatian for 12 wonderful years!  I loved her to death and she was my constant companion. She did have some drawbacks that I attributed to the fact that she was a Dalmatian. They are very high energy dogs and require alot of exercise. They tend to be roamers. They can be prone to skin problems and deafness. Dalmatians typically mentally mature slower than most dogs.  I attempted to take my girl to a puppy obedience class when she was about 3 months old. The trainer told me to wait until she was closer to six months of age because she'd be to immature and hyper to pay attention in class. I did take her to class when she was six months old and she was able to begin her lessons. OH, she was very destructive as a puppy... ate floor boards off a couple walls, tore up the couch... I can't remember what else because it's been such a long time.

    I would get another Dalmatian, but only if I had a lot of spare time for training and exercise. They are emotionally high maintenance. My girl was not aggressive or mean to people or other dogs. I socialized her well from the git go!

    If you decide to get A Dalmatian, please thoroughly research the breeder and talk to folk that have puppies from the breeders you are considering. Good luck and please take your time deciding what breed to chose.    

  5. I heard some can be deaf.

    you can search the shelters and rescues for dalmations in your are with this site.

  6. you should be really careful what kind of breeder you get it from. After 101 dalmations came out there was like a surge in the dalmation puppy market and people started breeding dogs that weren't compatible or were too related, so modern dalmations can be tempermental. Just do a background check.  

  7. a dalmation bit me just ran up and bit me.. and a diffrent one in our neighbor hood is vocoius.. bares at my dog when we just walk by... poor things have been so played up by disney....

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